
yī bǐ yī
  • one to one
  1. 一比一投影曝光装置

    One to one projection system

  2. 只可惜的是,事后我从报纸上得知比赛结果是一比一。

    What a shame , soon after I have known from the newspaper that the result of this match is one to one .

  3. 荷兰队和爱尔兰队打成了一比一平。

    Holland and the Republic of Ireland drew one-one

  4. 足球赛结果是一比一平局。

    The football match ended in a1-1draw .

  5. 比分为一比一。

    The score is one all .

  6. 得分记录是一比一平。

    The score was one all .

  7. 在梅内姆废除贸易壁垒,把比索兑美元的汇率一比一固定之后,当地生产商顿时失去了竞争力。

    After Menem dropped trade barriers and pegged the peso one-to-one to the dollar , local manufacturers could not compete .

  8. 横店影视城是个庞大而离奇的地方,占地8000英亩,其中一比一原样复制的北京故宫是主要建筑。

    Hengdian World Studios is sprawling and surreal , covering 8000 acres and featuring a one-to-one scale model of Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  9. 在第一个实验中,我会使用这两个,这是你看到的比率,一比一。

    And in my first experiment I will use these two , so this is the ratio that you see , one to one .

  10. 用一比一大模型测定炉料落下轨迹的研究全连铸生产的物流管理之一&基础数据的统计、测定

    Study of trajectory of material flow through experimental full-scale model material flow control in 100 % continuous casting part ⅰ & basic data statistic estimation

  11. 首先,在设计原则方面分析了在侗寨传统建筑的当代建筑再设计中,不应一比一的进行复制,而是应该有选择性的利用。

    First , in the aspect of design principle , the paper analyzes the redesign should be a selective usage rather than copy one by one .

  12. 他在第一局的比赛中胜了我,但第二局我设法胜了他,现在我们是一比一打平。

    He beat me in the first game but I managed to get the better of him in the second , so now we are quits .

  13. 他的肚子一年比一年鼓。

    His stomach had grown more prominent with every passing year

  14. 工作一天比一天辛苦。

    Work becomes harder with each passing day .

  15. 这个问题一年比一年严重。

    This problem has increased year by year

  16. 我们的生活条件一年比一年强。

    Our living conditions are getting better each year .

  17. 这本书一年比一年受欢迎。

    The success of the book has been increasing with years .

  18. 她一天比一天糟糕。

    She became worse day by day .

  19. 威伯一天比一天更喜欢夏洛了。

    Wilbur liked Charlotte better and better each day .

  20. 第一部《速度与激情》是关于非法街头赛车手的低成本警察惊悚片,但是续集一部比一部拍得更盛大也更荒唐。

    The first film was a low-budget cop thriller11 about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .

  21. 不过,由于计算机的变化一年比一年快,而且密码翻译方法有了新的发展,因此,SSL中使用的加密协议被破解的可能性也在增大。

    But as computers become ever faster as each year passes , and new advances in cryptanalysis are made , the chance of cracking the cryptography protocols used in SSL is starting to increase .

  22. 虽然iPhone的功能一年比一年先进、一年比一年复杂,但每一代iPhone的起步内存却一直只有16GB,这种停滞不前的内存确实令人沮丧。

    Indeed , even as the iPhone has become more advanced and sophisticated with each passing year , the entry-level storage capacity on each successive iPhone model has remained frustratingly stagnant at 16GB .

  23. cos的人物不胜枚举,一个比一个可爱。“我在看电影还是读一篇关于什么的文章的时候,突然灵机一动,一个人物形象出现在我的脑海里,”劳拉说起她的灵感时说道。

    The list goes on , and each is cuter than the next . " The ideas come when I 'm watching a film or reading an article about something and an iconic character comes into mind , " Laura said of her inspiration .

  24. 啊,真是一个比一个可爱!

    Well , well , one more lovelier than the next .

  25. 亲爱的表妹,你一天比一天漂亮。

    Beloved cousin , your beauty grows with each new moon .

  26. 一天比一天冷不是吗?

    It is getting cooler day by day is not it ?

  27. 艾比盖尔公主你真是一天比一天漂亮

    Princess Abigail , your beauty grows with each passing day .

  28. 核俱乐部的门槛一天比一天低。

    The nuclear club is getting less exclusive by the day .

  29. 这个地区一天比一天小了。

    And this area is becoming smaller day by day .

  30. 一个比一个不负责任!别想再欺骗我!

    You shall no longer make a fool of me !