
  1. 我计划了每条规划的路线,一路上每个小心的脚步。

    I 've planned each charted course , each careful step along the byway .

  2. 鸿渐一路上赔小心,鲍小姐只无精打采。

    All the way back he was very apologetic , but she remained in low spirits .

  3. 那个充满报复心的小女孩撕破了她姐姐的作业。鸿渐一路上赔小心,鲍小姐只无精打采。

    The vindictive little girl tore up her sister 's papers . All the way back he was very apologetic , but she remained in low spirits .

  4. 所以,不要迷执所谓的好运或吉利,真正重要的是&去赶上那班火车,不过,我们一路上要小心,不要去撞上任何东西。

    So don 't be interested in luck and auspiciousness , what is important is to catch the train but while we 're going we must be careful ; don 't collide with anything .