
  • Listen To Mother's Words;Listen to your mother;I Killed My Mother
  1. 你当年听妈妈的话吗

    Did you listen to your mother ?

  2. 他总是很听妈妈的话。

    He always does what his MA tells him to .

  3. 我很听妈妈的话,没有加入。

    So I listened and did not do it .

  4. 听妈妈的话是好的。

    It 's okay to listen to your mom .

  5. 你看,这都是因为我没听妈妈的话。

    And look what happened because I did .

  6. 也别为听妈妈的话而难过。

    Don 't feel bad . it 's okay to listen to your mom .

  7. 赛司:嗯,我听妈妈的话,她就买玩具给我。

    Seth : Well , mom buys me toys when I listen to her .

  8. 你要乖点,你学要听妈妈的话。

    You must be a good boy , and you must listen to Mommy .

  9. 如果我听妈妈的话,我就不会带这些箱子。

    If only I 'd listened to my mother , I wouldn 't be carrying these boxes .

  10. 玛丽•贝思:呃,乔纳森知道他必须听妈妈的话,他不可以碰任何东西⋯

    MARY BETH : Well , Jonathan knows he must listen to Mommy and he mustn 't touch anything

  11. 燕,你要听妈妈的话,独立,不要让家人担心了。

    Yan , you have to listen to her mother 's words , independence , not to let his family worried .

  12. 但是,彼得却没听妈妈的话。他太淘气了,他径直朝麦戈雷格先生的菜园跑去,一缩身就从大门底下挤了进去!

    But Peter , who was very naughty , ran straight away to Mr. McGregor 's garden , and squeezed under the gate !

  13. 一项最新调查进一步证明,“听妈妈的话,多吃蔬菜”可能是最有益健康的建议之一。

    Do you want one ? New research is strengthening evidence that following mom 's admonition to eat your vegetables may be some of the best health advice around .

  14. 月亮为什么有时胖,有时瘦呢?它有时听妈妈的话,好好吃饭;有时淘气,不好好吃饭。

    Why does the moon sometimes become fat , and sometimes thin ? Because it sometimes waits for the mummy 's reply , and eat much ; sometimes it is naughty , and eat less .

  15. 他听他妈妈的话,以免妈妈生气。

    He obeyed his mother lest she should be angry .

  16. 听你妈妈的话!

    Please listen to your mother !

  17. 黛利拉告诉两岁的弟弟为什么听爸爸妈妈的话很重要,教育他不要吐口水,也不要跟年纪大一些的男孩子打架。

    Delilah informs the 2-year-old why its important to listen to their parents , not spit and refrain from fights with older boys .

  18. 我很听你和妈妈的话我在学校里表现很好

    I listen to you and Mom . I do well in school .