
tīnɡ bù dào
  • can't hear
  1. 由于我的收音机坏了,我听不到新闻了。

    I can 't hear the news since my radio went on the blink .

  2. 咨询师、TheDemingInstitute顾问凯利•艾伦(KellyAllan)表示,应该取消正式的评级制度,他说:“一旦你听到自己在总分五分的尺度上得到三分,你就听不到其他东西了。”

    Formal ratings should be dropped , Kelly Allan , a consultant and adviser to The Deming Institute , says : " Once you hear you 're a three out of five you can 't hear anything else . "

  3. “我只希望…”她的声音越来越小,最后听不到了。

    ' I only hope … ' , she trailed off .

  4. 我隔墙听不到他们的交谈。

    I couldn 't hear their conversation through the wall .

  5. 在党的右翼听不到什么不同的政见。

    Very few dissenting voices were heard on the right of the party .

  6. 他们听不到她的消息时,唯恐发生了最坏的事。

    When they did not hear from her , they feared the worst .

  7. 这种啸声人耳听不到。

    The whistle was inaudible to the human ear .

  8. 她走远了,已经听不到。

    She had moved out of hearing .

  9. 动物可以听到人类所听不到的高频声音。

    Animals are able to hear high-pitched sounds that are inaudible to humans .

  10. 她一直挂念着家人;她也许再也听不到他们的消息了。

    She thought constantly about her family ; she might never know what had become of them

  11. 看不见比听不到更让人难以忍受。

    Not being able to hear doesn 't seem as bad as not being able to see

  12. 一点音响也听不到。

    Not a sound was heard .

  13. 因为歌手不是听众喜欢的,所以他们叫喊着,使人听不到她的声音。

    The audience howled her down since she was not the singer they were fond of .

  14. 如果还是听不到,就走到30英尺,然后20英尺,以此类推,直到你听到回应。

    If not , go to 30 feet , then 20 feet , and so on until you get a reply .

  15. 暴君听不到奴隶们的哀鸣

    The tyrant was deaf to the entreaties of the slaves .

  16. 他拉了几下问:“我怎么听不到铃响呀?”

    He pulled it several times , then remarked , " I don 't hear it ringing . "

  17. 我再也听不到时间高速战车催促迫近的声音,至少不再像以前我感觉到的那么多。

    I no longer hear time 's winged chariot drawing near , or at least not as much as I did before .

  18. 当他妈妈来到他的面前,他说:“告诉你一件事。”他轻轻说了一遍,但是她听不到;

    When his mother came to him , he said , " I want to tell you something . " He said something but she could not hear .

  19. 女主人听不到公鸡的叫声了,确比往常更早地叫醒她们,在半夜里就让她们去干活。

    For what happened was that their Mistress , not hearing the cock crow as usual , waked them up earlier than ever , and set them to work in the middle of the night .

  20. 但你却绝听不到哪怕是最大腕的乡村音乐歌星的热门歌曲,也找不到他们的CD。

    But you never hear hits by even the biggest country stars , nor can you find their CDs here .

  21. 当我听到对我的嘘声时我会假装听不到,我不停地告诉我自己,你在NBA混迹那就是你人生路上必定会碰到的。

    I 'd tune out the booing when I heard it , telling myself that that 's just life on the road when you play in the NBA .

  22. 他是勇士队第四个出场的,当他出场时嘘声是如此强烈和嘈杂,以至于你听不到现场DJ介绍第五个球员的声音了。

    He was the fourth Warrior introduced and the noise was so loud and intense you couldn 't hear the fifth .

  23. 在墙后面,你听不到歌词,听到的只是非常沉重的音乐击打声。

    After the wall , you don 't hear the lyrics .

  24. 你永远听不到尽头。

    And you 're never gonna hear the end of it .

  25. 我听不到你!你感觉如何?

    I can 't mear you ! How are you feeling ?

  26. 你听不到我的声音,因为我是静止的。

    You cannot hear me . I am static and unmoving .

  27. 大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。

    The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him .

  28. 除非把音箱给接上,否则就听不到音乐。

    Can 't hear the music unless the speakers are connected .

  29. 把音乐关小声点,我听不到你说话。

    Turn the music down . I can 't hear you .

  30. 连最细微的声音也听不到。

    Not the faintest sound of any kind could be heard .