
  1. 孩子一到该上床睡觉时一定就不听话了。

    You can guarantee the children will start being naughty as soon as they have to go to bed .

  2. 这孩子变得越来越不听话了。

    The boy is getting out of hand .

  3. 这孩子变野不听话了!

    This child is getting wildly out of wing !

  4. 约翰在父亲发怒时便听话了,这表现了他的明智。

    John showed prudence in obeying his angry father .

  5. 反对他的人最终都乖乖听话了

    Those that resist , eventually fall into line .

  6. 丹很容易教,但是他弟弟就不这么听话了。

    Dan is easy to each , but his brother is not so docile .

  7. 他们更乖了,也更听话了.

    They 're more rested and better behaved .

  8. 汤姆变得不听话了。

    Eg. Tom got out of control .

  9. 他终于折服听话了。

    He tamed down at the end .

  10. 吉姆变得不听话了。

    Jim got out of control .

  11. 当他们的老师不在,来了一位代课教师时,孩子们都不听话了。

    When their teacher was absent and they had a substitute , the children kicked over the traces .

  12. 现在我听话了我和斯特凡分手了她赢了一切结束了

    Well , I 'm doing it now . Me and Stefan are over.She wins . The end .

  13. 现在会听话了吗还是要再教训你一次等会儿朝堂上见

    Will you obey now ? Or do you need another lesson ? I 'll look for you in court .

  14. 爸爸,我会认真读书。我一定会听话了。我再也不说谎了。

    Dad , I will be take earnestly on study , I promise I 'll never lied and I will be a good child .

  15. 我是来把你带回家去的;我希望你作个孝顺的儿媳妇,不要再鼓励我的儿子不听话了。

    I 'm come to fetch you home ; and I hope you 'll be a dutiful daughter , and not encourage my son to further disobedience .

  16. 萨姆16岁时以为他可以为所欲为了,可父亲断绝了他的零用钱后,萨姆很快就听话了。

    When Sam was 16 , he thought he could do as he pleased , but his father cut off his allowance , and Sam soon came to heel .

  17. 母亲因为我太不听话了,白天总是在外游玩,不肯规规矩矩地坐在家里,她就给我一件苦功做;

    Hsien Bing YingBecause I would not obey orders and did not sit at home according to the rules , but played outside the whole day , Mother gave me a hard task to do .

  18. 这男孩因不听话挨了打。

    The boy was beaten for disobedience .

  19. 这孩子不听话激怒了他父亲。

    The boy 's disobedience angered his father .

  20. 要等小朋友都听话的睡着了,他才来啊!

    He won 't come until you are asleep in bed .

  21. 之后,我就是这儿最听话的人了。

    I will be a man that positive and obedient .

  22. 从什么时候开始你这么听话守规矩了?

    Since when have you followed the rules so obediently ?

  23. 听好了地牢小子我早不是你那乖乖听话的傀儡了

    Look , dungeon boy I 'm done being your little slave girl .

  24. 孩子听话回家去了。

    The child obeyed and went home .

  25. 倘若男人听话就没事了。

    If only men would listen .

  26. 第二天早上,玛丽拉说,“好吧,安妮,马修和我已经决定将你留下,当然,你必须听话。怎么了,孩子,发生什么事了?”

    And so the next morning Marilla said , ' Well , Anne , Matthew and I have decided to keep you , only if you 're a good girl , of course . Why , child , what 's the matter ? '

  27. 老人耳背,听话听不真了。

    The old man is hard of hearing and can 't hear clearly .

  28. 有一小撮不听话的头发竖了起来,仿佛在喊着:“快看我啊!”

    an unruly clump of hair stands up as if to shout " Look at me ! "

  29. 威胁说如果我不听话就要毁了我的代码生涯

    Threatened to break my digital kneecaps if I didn 't comply .

  30. 她想让孩子赶紧把虫子扔掉,又怕他不听话,于是想了一个招。

    Mother was so frightened that she wanted to let the son throw it away .