
  1. 这些都是公共标准,并且可以直接与当前的web基础结构结合使用,而无须担心其他的代理或防火墙问题。

    These are public standards and can be used immediately with current web infrastructures without worrying about additional proxy or firewall issues .

  2. 另一个优势是,你无须担心为软件获取OS的认证、驱动程序不兼容等等问题。

    Another advantage is that you do not need to worry about certifying the application to the OS , driver incompatibilities etc.

  3. GurianSherman说,传统作物培育和更好的土壤管理也能改善抗干旱的情况,而且无须担心成本问题以及因为基因工程引起的争议。

    And Gurian Sherman notes conventional crop breeding and better soil management are also improving drought tolerance without the cost and controversy of genetic engineering .

  4. 那一刻,我并没有看见Prasanna,他是我们当中最强壮的,因此,那时我无须担心。

    Prasanna , not visible to me at that moment , was the strongest one of all so at that time , I have no cause for worry .

  5. 无须担心回家时酒后驾车。

    There is no need to worry about driving home while drunk .

  6. 那比利无须担心任何事情。

    Billy wouldn 't have anything to worry about .

  7. 相反,这些结果是正常的,无须担心。

    Instead , those results are normal and are not a reason for concern .

  8. 如果是这样的话,无须担心&短期内你就会发现更好的。

    If so , don 't worry-you will find a better one in short order .

  9. 无须担心,637号。

    Nothing to worry about , 637 .

  10. 这真的无须担心,因为朝鲜这样做只是为了引起人们的关注。

    It 's really simply because it 's North Korea that 's doing this that raises concerns .

  11. 对于放宽摩天大楼楼顶直升机停机坪的规定,我们无须担心,恰恰相反,这将给我们带来许多好处。

    There 's nothing to fear - and much to gain - in relaxing the helipad requirement .

  12. 如果我们那样做,我认为我们就无须担心短期的发展了。

    And if we do that , I suspect the short term will largely take care of itself .

  13. 而我的群居天性,则意味着永远无须担心孤单一个人,即使单身未婚。

    my gregarious nature means I will never have to worry about being alone , even when I am single .

  14. 不同的浏览器对这些数据的加载方式各不相同,但我们无须担心这些。

    How this data is loaded is handled differently for different browsers and you don 't need to worry about it .

  15. 我们能参与政治进程而不必担心被报复,也无须担心我们的投票是否有效。

    That we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution , and that our votes will be counted .

  16. 一千日后,一万日后,他们会否再无须担心海啸再来临呢?

    After one thousand day , after ten thousand days , won 't they need to worry about the coming of tsunami ?

  17. 但是无须担心,就像我刚才所说,对于理念来说,创意并不是最重要的东西。

    Don 't let it worry you – like I just said , originality isn 't the most important thing about an idea .

  18. 据称,一位被控从事内幕交易的对冲基金经理周二告诉一位分析师,他无须担心,因为他使用了马赛克理论。

    One hedge fund manager charged with insider trading on Tuesday allegedly told an analyst he need not worry since he was using mosaic theory .

  19. 戴蒙的回应就是无须担心,然后就没有下文了。

    In response to his questions , all Dimon had to do was say there was nothing to worry about and the matter was dropped .

  20. 这样做的好处包括对象的作者可以修改这份副本而无须担心对此父类的其他子类产生副作用。

    Advantages to this approach include the fact that object authors can alter the copy without worrying about side-effects across other children of the parent .

  21. 她说,印花蓝领带释放一种经典又不失专业的感觉,系上它出席国际商业会晤,也无须担心传递错误讯息。

    Patterned blue ties tend to give off a classic professional feel and can be worn in a global business environment without sending the wrong message .

  22. 虽然你很久没做运动,但也无须担心,以下的锻炼简单轻松,也可以在室内完成。

    Don 't worry if you 've not done much for a while , these exercises are easy , gentle to follow and can also be done indoors .

  23. 因此,从扩大开支入手可能是明智的,而且无须担心汇率迅速变化,这种变化可能没有必要。

    It would be sensible , therefore , to start by expanding spending without worrying about an immediate change in the exchange rate , which may prove unnecessary .

  24. 优势还体现在当它工作时无须担心丝锥断裂,尤其是在昂贵的工件上工作时,能起到有效的保护作用,同时还可以为你节省很多的时间。

    The advantage is that we work without any risk of breaking taps on particularly expensive work pieces and it saves also a lot of time by simplifying tapping operations .

  25. 人们经常问这个问题,有时把我们自己的生活与穴居的原始人比较,那些人无须担心股市或原子弹。

    People often ask this question , sometimes comparing our lifes with that of the caveman , who didn 't have to worry about the stock market or the atomic bomb .

  26. 这种口红形状的巧克力能够喷射细小的黑色巧克力微粒进入口腔,人们公认它可以带来真正巧克力的口感却无须担心发胖。

    A lipstick-shaped aerosol that sprays particles of dark chocolate into the mouth is being hailed as providing all the pleasure of the real thing but with no need to feel guilty .

  27. 她的孤寂天性,意味着需要家庭让她免于寂寞;而我的群居天性,则意味着永远无须担心孤单一个人,即使单身未婚。

    Her solitary nature means she needs a family to keep her from loneliness ; my gregarious nature means I will never have to worry about being alone , even when I am single .

  28. 采用下模板固定上模板下落的合模方式,无须担心嵌件移位,确保成品精度。

    Adopted the way of fixing the lower mold plate and upper one fallen in nold merged procedure , noneed to worry about the movement of embeded components , assure the precision of products .

  29. 布莱恩·阿马拉尔是动物园哺乳动物的高级管理员,他说中国的熊猫粉丝无须担心,他的饲养员伙伴正努力照顾好这些熊猫。

    Bryan Amaral , senior curator of Mammals , says there is no need for concern on the part of Chinese fans and that his fellow zoo keepers are in fact trying to do a good job the pandas .

  30. 有了透明激活,开发人员无须再担心该在什么时候、又该以怎样的方式去加载对象。

    With Transparent Activation developers no longer need to worry , when and how objects are loaded .