
  • 网络Open The Eyes;Open your eyes
  1. 晚饭已经准备好了,张开眼睛吧。

    Dinner is ready , open your eyes !

  2. 好,张开眼睛。

    All right , open your eyes .

  3. 张开眼睛是无意识行为。

    She can open her eyes but as a mechanical action .

  4. 我们所要做得事情就好似张开眼睛去认识。

    All we got to do is open our eyes and look .

  5. 它们只是显示你已经张开眼睛的记号。

    They are signs that you are opening your eyes at last .

  6. 但是他没有张开眼睛看。

    but he did not open them to see .

  7. 她一张开眼睛,就用律师的手帕挡着。

    Opening her eyes , she fenced herself with her attorney 's handkerchief .

  8. 我总是很艰难的张开眼睛,很疲倦的样子。

    I was always very difficult with open eyes , a very tired look .

  9. 出纳员坐了起来,完全醒了,张开眼睛望。

    The cashier sat up in bed , quite awake now , and staring ;

  10. 等他重新张开眼睛,只见自己坐在地上。

    When he opened his eyes , he found himself sitting on the floor .

  11. 会有一种轻微的嗡嗡声,我张开眼睛,我就会在那里。

    There was a slight buzz and I would open my eyes and be there .

  12. 我张开眼睛,四下里一望,想知道自己身在何处。

    I opened my eyes and looked around , trying to make out where I was .

  13. 好,看上面,看下面,不,张开眼睛看下面,那就对了。

    Alright , look up ... look down , now open your eyes , now look down .

  14. 这种感觉就好像新生的婴儿第一次张开眼睛看著这世界,每一次的狩猎都是这样子的。

    ' Tis like a newborn baby opening it 's eyes for the first time , every time .

  15. 国民公会代表重又张开眼睛。眉宇间呈现出一种严肃而阴郁的神情。

    The conventionary opened his eyes again . a gravity mingled with gloom was imprinted on his countenance .

  16. 然后张开眼睛环顾四周,或远或近,或上或下,任何地方。

    Then open your eyes and look about , near and far , up and down , & anywhere .

  17. 恐惧攫住了我,我对着世界张开眼睛,竖起耳朵,拼命想找到我的朋友们。

    Fear took hold , and I opened my eyes and ears to the world , desperate to find my friends .

  18. 看,他闭上眼睛了,看,他张开眼睛了。

    Phoebe : Oh , look , look , he 's closing his eyes . Look , he 's opening his eyes .

  19. 无论你是做什麽工作,张开眼睛的禅修方法都可以应用到工作当中。

    I dare to guarantee that meditation with eyes open can be used while working , no matter what you 're doing .

  20. 我们已经这么屈着膝头坐了一阵子,这时候,我突然想到要张开眼睛来;

    We had been sitting in this crouching manner for some time , when all at once I thought I would open my eyes ;

  21. 他张开眼睛,向他四周的黑暗望了一阵,随后又闭上眼,想再睡一会儿。

    He opened his eyes and stared into the gloom which surrounded him , then he closed them again , with the intention of going to sleep once more .

  22. 保罗觉得,当他重新合上眼睛的时候,他听到她告诉他,她很快就会回来;但是他没有张开眼睛看。

    Paul thought he heard her telling him when he had closed his eyes again , that she would soon be back ; but he did not open them to see .

  23. 接著开始播放较快的音乐让学员有越来越多的舞动,最后让他们张开眼睛带著极大的喜悦和课堂中的其他人热切强烈的舞动。

    Then , start playing faster music having the participants move more and more , and finally have them open their eyes and dance intensely with great joy with everyone else in the room .

  24. 如果有人爱你,那么也无条件地爱他们吧,不光因为他们爱你,也因为他们教会了你如何去爱,如何打开心扉、张开眼睛去感受那些没有他们你便不能看到或感受到的世间的种种。

    If someone loves you , love them back unconditionally , not only because they love you , but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them .

  25. 老所尔不自觉地张开了眼睛。

    Old Sol opened his eyes involuntarily .

  26. 其中有一次,我完全张开了眼睛。

    Once my eyes completely opened .

  27. 哈特张开了眼睛,目光呆滞。

    Hatter opened his glassy eyes .

  28. 他看见她的那一刻,他的手僵住了,嘴巴张开,眼睛睁得很大。

    The moment he saw her , his hand stopped dead , his mouth fell open , and his eyes widened .

  29. 最后,我一定是堕入一种乱七八糟的梦魇似的瞌睡里了,我又慢慢地醒来…一半还在梦里…我张开了眼睛,看到刚才阳光灿烂的房间现在已被裹在外边的黑暗里了.我立刻感到周身一震;

    At last I must have fallen into a troubled nightmare of a doze ; and slowly waking from it-half steeped in dreams-I opened my eyes , and the before sunlit room was now wrapped in outer darkness . Instantly I felt a shock running through all my frame ;

  30. 张开你的眼睛,公平首先从自己的举止开始!

    Open your eyes , be fair in your own dealings first !