
  • 网络Unable to define;indefinable;undefinable
  1. 通过包含这些C++类,并根据需要为每个类添加EXPRESS无法定义的方法与操作,就可以方便地进一步开发基于STEP的应用软件。

    These C + + codes , along with necessary functions that EXPRESS can not define , are helpful to develop software for STEP-based application .

  2. 这样得到的内容并不充足,无法定义我们想要的全部信息,所以EMF使用了特殊的JavaDoc标签。

    This isn 't rich enough to specify all the information that we desire , so EMF uses special JavaDoc tags .

  3. 但是,由于在IWA中无法定义和实现临时表,所以Informix像处理普通查询一样处理第二次查询。

    But since the temp tables had not been defined and realized in IWA , Informix handled the second query as a normal query .

  4. 如果不这样做,脚本就无法定义差值表函数要使用的CGTT。

    If you do not , the script will be unable to define the CGTTs used by the delta table functions .

  5. 所以长度与时间是力学中两个无法定义的量。

    Length and time are two of the indefinables of mechanics .

  6. 甚至无法定义对此环境的远程访问。

    One cannot even define remote access to this environment .

  7. 他的风格无法定义,他的高超技艺让人困惑,也让人迷恋。

    Stylistically , he defies definition . His technical mastery baffles and intrigues .

  8. 因此无法定义速度,加速度也是一样。

    So that 's ill-defined and the same is true for the acceleration .

  9. 试着解释却永远无法定义

    Try as they may they can never define

  10. 无法定义应用程序根下面目录的{0}节。

    { 0 } section cannot be defined for directories below the application root .

  11. 这些无法定义我。

    It did not define me .

  12. 架构师和工程师一般无法定义业务希望如何运行自身。

    Architects and engineers are generally not equipped for defining how the business wants to run itself .

  13. 例如,无法定义一个包含一个包、两个组和一个角色的集合。

    Iit is not possible to define a set containing a package , two groups and a role for example .

  14. 中国社会福利事业机构主要收养失去双亲又无法定义务抚养人的孤儿。

    China 's social welfare institutions mainly take in orphans who have lost their parents and have no legal guardians .

  15. 但是机器人要辨别是否是平民,必须有很精确的定义,问题是,一个人是不是平民根本无法定义。

    But for a robot to recognise a civilian you need an exact specification , and one of the problems is there 's no specific definition of a civilian .

  16. 由于在基本编辑模式下无法定义所需的可选输入条件,因此在该模式中绘制的大多数逆向连接都会导致模型死锁。

    The required alternative input criteria cannot be defined in the basic editing mode , so most backward connections drawn in basic editing mode add a deadlock to the model .

  17. 威茨提出的并不是简单地引用了维特根斯坦概括的语言理论,而是艺术是一种实践,它的本质是无法定义的。

    But instead of simply applying Wittgensteinian 's general claims about language to the case at hand , Weitz argues that the very nature of art as a practice makes definition impossible .

  18. 他们会忽略死亡是我们人生的归宿,如果没有死亡,“生存”将无法定义。

    What they fail to see is that our " life " as human beings implies death . Without death , we do not have " human life " by its very definition .

  19. 看见没,这就是关于物质的另一种不同看法,这种理论不需要依赖一个无法定义的“进步”概念。其提出者莱布尼茨已经过世了三百年,他要是运气好点儿完全可以超越牛顿。

    There it is : an alternative view of matter that does not hinge on an undefined notion of " progress ", from a man who could out-fox Isaac Newton on a good day and died three hundred years ago .

  20. 用颜色矩阵方法实现简单,只要对不同的图象处理定义不同的颜色矩阵,但有部分图象处理功能无法定义出矩阵。

    Unsafe methods used to achieve similar C indicators principle of the by-pixel image processing . The color matrix method is simple , it defines the different color matrix to every kinds of image processing , but some functions can not define matrix method .

  21. 机遇和天才并不表示任何现实中存在的东西,因此无法下定义。

    The words chance and genius mean nothing actually existing , and so cannot be defined .

  22. 一群主要是水生的、能行光合作用而无法精确定义的有机体。

    Members of a group of mostly aquatic , photosynthetic organisms ( see photosynthesis ) that defy precise definition .

  23. 究其原因,是由于现今立法及法学界对死亡赔偿金的性质无法明确定义所致。

    The reason is due to the nature of compensation for death can not be clearly defined by legislation and jurisprudence .

  24. 但是,对英国多个行业的研究显示,雇主们总体上无法准确定义其需求和缺口。

    But research across several sectors of the economy shows that employers as a whole run into problems defining exactly what it is they need and what is lacking .

  25. 您可以生成数个模型,但可能会发现这些模型无法回答定义问题时所设定的问题,因此必须重新定义问题。

    You may build several models and realize that they do not answer the problem posed when you defined the problem , and that you therefore must redefine the problem .

  26. 尽管我说过,保险实际上,是在17世纪的时候被发现或者发明的,但它的发展非常缓慢,因为人们无法确切定义-,这种被发明出的东西。

    Although , I said , insurance was effectively discovered or invented in the1600s , it has been slow to grow because they didn 't have the well-defined & all of the inventions yet .

  27. 无法加载xml定义:电子表格控件不支持执行更新的文件绑定。

    Cannot load the XML definition : the spreadsheet control does not support file bindings that perform updates .

  28. 无法确定未定义大小的数据的大小。

    The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined .

  29. 无法移除类定义中的页。

    Can 't remove pages in class definition .

  30. 无法保存用户定义的自动套用格式。

    Cannot save User-defined Autoformats .