
  • Jane Eyre;Simple love
  1. 《简爱》是我读的第一本英文长篇小说。

    Jane Eyre was the first full-length English novel I read .

  2. 《简爱》已经开始了。她很快写完。

    Jane Eyre was already started , and she hurriedly finished it .

  3. 听说你是个坏孩子,简爱。

    I hear you are a wicked child , Jane eyre .

  4. 爱情:《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》的不同阐释

    The Different Explanation of Love in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Height

  5. 试论《简爱》的主题、人物与意象

    On the Theme , Characters and Images of Jane Eyre

  6. 从《简爱》的不同译本看多元系统理论

    Poly System Studies as Viewed From Different Translated Versions of Jane Eyre

  7. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简爱》于1846年出版。

    Jane Eyre by Charotte Bronte was , published in1846 .

  8. 好了,简爱小姐,你不会说话吗?

    Rochester : Well , Miss Erye , have you no tongue ?

  9. 月亮和大自然,也被简爱视为自己的母亲。

    The moon and the nature were regarded as mothers , too .

  10. 试论《简爱》与《藻海无边》中的两位梅森

    Different Characterizations of Ms Mason In Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea

  11. 我在读一本题为《简爱》的书。

    I am reading book ( which is ) entitled Jane Eyre .

  12. 谁更浪漫,希斯克利夫(《呼啸山庄男主角)还是罗彻斯特先生(《简爱》男主角》)?

    Who is more romantic , Heathcliff or Mr. Rochester ?

  13. 谈《简爱》的文学渊源

    A Talk on the Literary Origins of Jane Eyre

  14. 为平等而叛逆&浅析简爱性格(英文)

    To Rebel for Equality & The Analysis of Jane Eyre s Character ;

  15. 简爱是阿黛勒的家庭教师,后来又成为她的继母,在小说中,她一直担负着阿黛勒母亲的角色。

    In the novel , she always looked after Adele as a mother .

  16. 这个研究结果为研究简爱提供了新的视角。

    This finding provides a new perspective to the study of Jane Eyre .

  17. 从《呼啸山庄》和《简爱》看哥特式小说风格

    Gothic Novel Style in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre

  18. 它包括简爱对于爱情以及自由和平等的追求。

    Eyre 's pursuit of love And her pursuit of liberty And equality .

  19. 简爱:我向你保证,先生,我不是故意的。

    Jane : I assure you , sir , it was not deliberate .

  20. 简爱,一个自立自尊、追求真爱的优秀女性。

    Jane , a free-standing self-esteem , pursue outstanding women of true love .

  21. 简爱:我该去给阿玳儿上课了。

    Jane : time for adele 's lesson .

  22. 这就是夏洛特勃朗特的《简爱》和艾米莉勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》。

    These were Charlotte Bronze 's Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte 's Withering Heights .

  23. 简爱是一位通俗与高雅兼容的女性形象。

    Jane Eyre is a compatible female image belonging to popular and elegant literature .

  24. 简爱:希望什么?先生。

    Jane : Hope for what , sir ?

  25. 但从系统功能语法的角度对《简爱》进行的研究还不多见。

    However , there are few studies of it from Systemic Functional Grammar perspective .

  26. 当你拿简爱和机械战警作比较,实在太有趣了。

    It was just so funny when you started comparing Jane Eyre to robocop .

  27. 我读了名为简爱这本书。

    I read the book named Jane Eyre .

  28. 简爱形象与基督教

    The Image of Jane Eyre and Christianity

  29. 《简爱》:它以对当时社会尖锐的批评而闻名于世。

    Jane Eyre : It is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society .

  30. 一天夜晚,简爱被她以前听见过的那种尖叫声惊醒。

    One night Jane is awakened by the same shrill scream she had heard before .