
jiǎn zhí
  • at all;simply;good and;absolutely;literally;virtually;sketchy and blain
简直 [jiǎn zhí]
  • (1) [simply;absolutely;literally;virtually]

  • (2) 表示情况或行动确实是这样

  • 他干活,一个人简直抵过三个人

  • (3) 表示情况或行为差不多是这样

  • 他感动得简直要哭出来

  • (4) 表示事物或状态达到的程度非常高,相当于很、十分

  • 他这个人简直不像话

  • (5) 在某种方言里,表示干脆如此,相当于索性

  • 你现在简直说完了才走

  • (6) [good and]∶完全地,十足地

  • 简直疯了

  • (7) [sketchy and blain]∶简明直截,不加修饰

  • 议论简直

简直[jiǎn zhí]
  1. 若状态良好,这个队简直势不可当。

    On form , the team was simply unstoppable .

  2. 我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!

    I simply adore his music !

  3. “这简直是一团糟!”她叹息道。

    ' It 's a complete mess ! ' she groaned .

  4. 第一年的课程简直太容易了。

    The first year of the course was an absolute doddle .

  5. 她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。

    I couldn 't believe my eyes when she walked in .

  6. 她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗!

    She 's not just fat , she 's positively gross !

  7. 让这个公司赢利简直是天方夜谭。

    It would take a miracle to make this business profitable .

  8. 读到那封信时,我简直不敢相信。

    I could hardly believe it when I read the letter .

  9. 现在父母教训我简直会使我受不了。

    A lecture from my parents now would just finish me .

  10. 他的犟劲儿一上来,简直执拗得要命!

    He can be very obstinate when he wants to be !

  11. 每天早上四点起床简直是活受罪。

    Getting up at four o'clock every morning is sheer purgatory .

  12. 那条小路简直就像是羊肠小道。

    The path was no better than a sheep track .

  13. 去年的数字简直是灾难。

    Last year 's figures were little short of disastrous .

  14. 冷天出来快步走走,简直太舒服了。

    There 's nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day !

  15. 她被解雇简直就是晴天霹雳。

    Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue .

  16. 她会行骗简直难以置信。

    It is just not credible that she would cheat .

  17. 这出戏的剧情简直就是胡编滥造。

    The play 's plot stretches credulity to the limit .

  18. 我之所以离开是因为那工作简直是奴隶干的。

    I left because the job was just slave labour .

  19. 他把这些账目简直搞得一塌糊涂。

    He 's made a real dog 's breakfast of these accounts .

  20. 她简直无法相信整件事又在重演。

    She couldn 't believe it was all happening again .

  21. 能继续和那个男人一起生活,她简直是圣人。

    She 's a saint to go on living with that man .

  22. 我简直无法相信!你在这里干什么?

    I don 't believe it ! What are you doing here ?

  23. 我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。

    Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot .

  24. 本很敏感,简直接受不了批评。

    Ben is very sensitive , he just can 't take criticism .

  25. 这男孩缺乏管教,简直是无法无天。

    The boy is wild and completely out of control .

  26. 她得知他得到了这份工作简直乐不可支。

    She was thrilled to bits that he 'd been offered the job .

  27. 他们唯一的孩子去世时,他们简直痛不欲生。

    They were inconsolable when their only child died .

  28. 你在这里过马路简直是冒险玩命。

    You take your life in your hands just crossing the road here .

  29. 她简直像德国人一样讲究条理。

    She had an almost Germanic regard for order .

  30. “简直骇人听闻!”他抗议说。

    ' That 's outrageous ! ' he protested .