
  1. “当今社会,老年人是增长最快的一个群体,老年社会工作在今后提供了顶尖就业机会之一。”阿克伦大学的简。罗伯兹如是说。

    " The elderly are the fastest growing group in our society , and geriatric social work offers one of the top career opportunities for the future ," says Jane Roberts of the University of Akron .

  2. 例句:由于数月病痛折磨,简的脸色面如白纸。

    Sample Sentence : Jane was as white as a sheet because of the illness she had suffered for months .

  3. 简言之,如有闲置生产能力时便应尽力地协调买卖双方达成一个可接受的价格,以便维持公司内部整体运作的获利能力。

    In short , where idle capacity exists , every effort should be made to negotiate a price acceptable to both the buyer and the seller that will keep business within the company as a whole .