
  1. 研究古苏国地理及其疆域,应区别古温国与古苏国。

    A distinction between ancient Wen state and ancient Su state is imperative in studying the territory and boundary of ancient Su state .

  2. 全新世高温期我国湖泊沉积和自然环境的基本特征

    Characteristics of lake sediment and natural environments in China during the Holocene ALTITHERMAL period

  3. 可逆示温材料在我国工业、国防以及日常生活等诸多领域均有着重要的应用价值。

    Reversible thermochromic materials are high practical valued in industry 、 national defence and daily life etc.

  4. 通过对通货膨胀成本和失业成本的比较分析以及对经济主体行为的心理学分析,可见通货膨胀率和失业率的双温组合是我国目前理想的政策选择。

    After a comparative analysis of cost of inflation and unemployment , and a psychological analysis of the behavior of economic subjects , it can be concluded that a proportional combination of inflation rate and unemployment rate is the best choice for the policy-makers in China .