
jì rì
  • death anniversary;day of mourning;anniversary of the death of a progenitor or sb. else held in esteem
忌日 [jì rì]
  • [the anniversary of the death of an ancestor or someone held in esteem] 旧指父母及其他亲属逝世的日子

  1. 每年Todd的忌日

    Every year on the date of Todd 's death

  2. 当天,Ana捐赠了五百朵妈妈生前最喜欢的花—白色的康乃馨,送给所有参加仪式的小孩和母亲。第二年,教堂便正式宣布,AnaJarvis母亲逝世的三周年忌日为母亲节。

    Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mother 's church in Grafton , West Virginia to celebrate Mother 's Day on the second anniversary of her mother 's death , the 2nd Sunday of May .

  3. 在忌日说脏话会交坏运的。

    It 's bad Iuck to taik dirty on memoriai days .

  4. 你觉得穿这个去忌日场合合适吗?

    Do you think that 's appropriate for a memorial service ?

  5. 人们认为3月17日是他的忌日。

    March 17 is believed to be the date of his death .

  6. 劳动节就是艾莉森的忌日

    Labor Day is the anniversary of Alison 's death .

  7. 明年的今天就是你的忌日!

    The same day next year is your fate day !

  8. 今天我是奶奶的忌日。

    Today is a day of remembrance of my grandma .

  9. 在他逝世的忌日里,我决不拔出刺刀。

    I would never bare a bayonet on the anniversary of his death .

  10. 今天是我父母的忌日。

    Today is the death anniversary of my parents .

  11. 我以为今天会是我的忌日呢。

    I thought this was my last birthday .

  12. 这天是耶稣忌日,他被钉死在十字架上。

    It commemorates the death of Jesus , who was crucified on a cross .

  13. 宗族内所有的家庭,都必须呈报家中所有的生辰、忌日和婚事。

    All families within the clan must submit all births , death and marriages .

  14. 赫敏在忌日晚会上说,桃金娘出没在一楼的厕所里。

    1 He Deathday Party that myrtle haunts a bathroom on the first floor .

  15. 密码是我妈妈的忌日?

    The combination is the day Mom died ?

  16. 竟然忘了自己妈妈的忌日。

    Forgotten her own mother 's Memorial day .

  17. 今天是秀恩的忌日。

    Today 's the day su-eun died .

  18. 我儿子的第101天忌日。

    My son was in the101st .

  19. 嗣后每年忌日两人都到她的坟前祭祀。

    Every year on the anniversary of the date she died , they would offer sacrifices to her grave .

  20. 每年他忌日的那一天它们都回来以同样的方式悼念他。

    Each year the day of his death they all come back the same way in memory of him .

  21. 还有人认为是为了纪念作家塞万提斯忌日,自1923年起,西班牙就一直举行纪念活动。

    Another is because of a festival held since 1923 in Spain to honor the death of Spanish writer Cervantes .

  22. 一些重要的日子又转回来了:逐猎林受辱的那晚,孩子的生日和忌日,还有她自己的生日。

    Important dates came round again : the night of her shame in The Chase , the baby 's birth and death , her own birthday .

  23. 今年2016年2月7日,马吉祥祭拜了“他自己的”坟墓,以纪念那名因交通事故而死去受害者的四周年忌日,目前那人的身份仍未被查明。

    On February 7 , 2016 , Mr Ma visited ' his own ' graveyard to commemorate the fourth anniversary of death of the road accident victim , who remains unidentified .

  24. 苏黎世大学的弗拉德塔•阿吉达西克-格罗斯博士说:“生日成忌日的情况比预想的更多。”他补充说,随着人们年龄增大,生日死亡的风险也会增大。

    Dr Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross of the University of Zurich , said : " Birthdays end lethally more frequently than might be expected . " He added that risk of birthday death rose as people got older .

  25. 联合国教科文组织选择4月23日的灵感来自于一个美丽的传说。4月23日是西班牙文豪塞万提斯的忌日,也是加泰罗尼亚地区大众节日圣乔治节。

    Unesco 's selection of April 23 for world reading day arose out of a beautiful legend : April 23 is the date that famed Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes died , and it is also St. George 's Day , celebrated in Catalonia .