• give birth;nurture;bring up
  • a surname
  • 同“育”,多用于人名。

  • 姓。

  1. HPLC法测定毓麟合剂中甘草酸和淫羊藿苷的含量

    Determination of glycyrrhizic acid and icariin in Yu-lin Mixture by HPLC

  2. HPLC法测定毓麟Ⅰ号茶中芍药苷的含量

    Determination of paeoniflorin in yulin ⅰ hao tea by HPLC

  3. 方法:用GTW30mg/d灌喂SD雄性大鼠30d,然后用补肾毓麟汤及氯米芬分别治疗30d,在光、电镜下观察曲细精管中生精上皮的变化。

    Methods Male rats were fed with GTW 30mg / d , 30d .

  4. 韦毓[2]等的研究表明Cyclin-E在正常子宫内膜中呈阴性表达。

    A research of Wei Yu et al indicated that the Cyclin-E gene expressed negatively in normo-endometrium .

  5. 研究SnO2:ZnO薄膜在丙酮,乙醇、氨蒸汽中的气毓反射光谱,发现反射光强随气体浓度增加而减弱。

    The gas-sensitive reflective spectra of SnO_2 : ZnO film in acetone , alcohol and ammonia vapours are studied . It is found that the reflective light intensity decreases as the gas concentration increases , and the kinds of vapour have different sensitivity .

  6. 毓麟合剂对自体移植复制子宫内膜异位症大鼠血清孕酮和雌二醇的影响

    Effect on Yu-Lin mixture on estradiol , progesterone of endometriotic rats

  7. 运用毓麟珠加减治疗闭经有较满意的疗效。

    DISCUSSION The Yulinzhu soup has satisfactory therapeutic effects for amenorrhea .

  8. 卢毓建议皇帝选拔和考试相结合。

    Lu Yu suggested the emperor to combine examination with selection .

  9. 毓麟汤温肾促排卵作用研究

    Research on effects of Yulin Decoction on warming kidney and improving ovulation

  10. 活血通络毓种胶囊与妇科诊疗自控仪治疗子宫因素不孕308例临床分析

    Analysis of 308 Uteruses Sterility Women Treated by Automatic Control Apparatus of Gynaecology

  11. 但那只是另外那人的,却与我的毓芳无关。

    That might be true of somebody else but not of my wang .

  12. 我到他那里时,幸好他没出去,毓芳也没来。

    I 'm lucky to find him in , even Wang isn 't there .

  13. 毓芳愿意留下住一夜时,我又赶着她走了。

    Yufang is willing to stay the night but I insist that she go .

  14. 毓芳已搬回去,苇弟却又想代替那看护的差事。

    Yufang has moved back , but Wei wants to take over the nursing duty .

  15. 用腺嘌呤建立了大鼠睾丸损害病理模型,观察生精毓麟汤对该病理模型的作用。

    Adenine was used to make the pathological model of rats whose testicles were injuried .

  16. 一早毓芳就来电话。

    Yufang telephoned me early this morning .

  17. 毓芳是好人,她不会扯谎,大约剑如是真病。

    Shufang was such a nice person she never lied , so Jianru must be real sick .

  18. [目的]观察毓宫胶囊对子宫发育不良大鼠子宫动脉血管数及灌注量的影响。

    To observe the effect of Yugong ( uterus-nourishing ) capsule on the number of uterus arterioles and blood perfusion in uterus hypogenesis rats .

  19. 清热毓麟汤能全面改善附性腺炎不育患者精液质量,对精子活力的改善尤其明显,可以显著提高患者配偶妊娠率。

    QYD is able to improve sperm quality , especially sperm vitality in infertility patients with AGI and therefore increase pregnant rate of their wives .

  20. 结论:中药毓明方可改善治疗区相对三维视野视点的平均视阈值,提示其对治疗性视网膜损伤具有防治作用。

    Result and Conclusion : Yuming Prescription could improve the visual threshold and the prescription had a good function to therapeutic retina injury by laser .

  21. 应用活血通络毓种胶囊与妇科诊疗自控仪治疗子宫因素不孕308例。妇科诊断治疗仪采用微电脑自动控制药液进入子宫腔的输入量及压强,精确测量宫腔容积。

    Since May of1988,308 uteruses sterility women have been treated with automatic control apparatus of Gynaecology , which can control input medicine volume and intensity of pressure into uteruses .

  22. 我更不知,当毓芳拿着这一高一矮的男人相比时,是会起一种什么情感!

    I wonder even more how Yufang would feel if she were aware of the contrast between the two men the one so tall and the other so puny !

  23. 女性不孕症的中医治疗,石英毓麟汤治疗排卵功能障碍性不孕症总有效率为92.1%,妊娠率达65.6%;

    By applying Shiying Yulin Decoction to treat female sterility , who suffered from the ovulatory dysfunction , the total effective rate is 92.1 % and the pregnant rate is 65.6 % .

  24. 于是我隐隐的向毓芳吐露我近来所感得的窘状,我只想她能懂得这事,并且能硬自作主来把我的生活改变一下,做我自己所不能胜任的。

    So I carefully reveal to Yufang some of my recent distress . I only hope she can understand me and accomplish for me what I have failed to do : force me to change my way of living .

  25. 药呢,那些广嗣丹、毓麟散、白凤丸,早已移置在小姨房里,再也没有她吃的份了。

    As to medicine , those " Prolific Posterity " pellets , " Birth of Unicorn " powder , " White Phoenix " pills , these had all since been moved into the concubine 's room . She no longer had any share of it any more .
