
  1. 文章的作者是吴稼祥,一名研究员,在与政府有密切联系的、支持改革的智囊团工作。

    The author was Wu Jiaxiang , a researcher in a pro-reform think-tank with close links to the government .

  2. 但是,在一次采访中,吴稼祥担心中国近来的一些发展显示民粹主义倾向。

    However , in an interview , Mr Wu worried that some recent developments in China suggested a populist lurch .

  3. 学者吴稼祥用中国成语张牙舞爪来形容这条龙的形象。

    Scholar Wu Jiaxiang uses the Chinese expression , which literally means baring fangs and brandish paws , to describe the image .

  4. 学者吴稼祥用中国成语“张牙舞爪”来形容这条龙的形象。

    Scholar Wu Jiaxiang uses the Chinese expression , which literally means " baring fangs and brandish paws , " to describe the image .

  5. 吴稼祥,铜陵人,现居北京,中国政治类书籍作家。他说,铜陵改革的核心命题是平权。

    Wu Jiaxiang , a Tongling native who now lives in Beijing and writes books about Chinese politics , says the core of Tongling 's reform is ' equal rights for all . '

  6. 现任的铜陵市市长是原在北京担任住房建设官员的侯淅珉。吴稼祥说,他被派往铜陵担任市长是为下一步的晋升积攒资历。

    The city 's current mayor , Hou Ximin , was a Beijing housing official before he was dispatched to Tongling as a way to round out his resume for higher office , says Mr. Wu , the Tongling political writer .