
  • 网络hypopnea;Shortness of breath
  1. 夜间睡眠呼吸暂停/呼吸不足与APOE∈4携带者较低的记忆能力相关

    Nocturnal sleep apnea / hypopnea is associated with lower memory performance in APOE ∈ 4 carriers

  2. 该疾病是一种阻碍正常呼吸且诊断不足、威胁生命的肺病,是无法完全可逆的。

    It is an under-diagnosed , life-threatening lung disease that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible .

  3. 理论上讲,睡眠呼吸暂停时血氧不足的发作可能导致患者出现氧化应激。

    Theoretically , hypoxemic episodes during sleep apnea may predispose patients to oxidative stress .

  4. 如果用肺部深呼吸,会略显不足。

    If you take a deep breath using your lungs , your chest , it 's not going to be enough .

  5. 导致呼吸困难的因素,并不是每次呼吸氧气不足,而是因为机体变热需要更多的氧气冷却自己。

    Breathing more likely becomes labored not because of a lack of oxygen with each breath , but because the body is running hotter and needs more oxygen to cool itself .