
  1. 基于J2EE通用呼叫中心运营平台的研究与应用

    Research and Application of J2EE-based Universal Call Center Application Platform

  2. 其次,本论文针对Q银行呼叫中心运营资源现状,建立了接通率优化模型。

    It causes termination rates continue to low . Secondly , aim at the actual state of the operational resources in the Q bank call center , the study establishes a connection rate optimization model .

  3. 本文的研究对于其他从事呼叫中心运营的企业具有借鉴意义。

    The study of this paper has a profound use for reference for the other companies in the call center business .

  4. 第四章提出甘肃移动呼叫中心运营中面临的问题,引用激励相容理论,引用服务营销理论。

    In the fourth chapter , the author analyzed the problems in the operation of the call center , and led up to the incentive compatibility theory and the service marketing theory .

  5. 不久,一个80坐席,60人的呼叫中心开始运营了。

    Soon , a call center of80 seats and60 people was being operated .

  6. 本论文的研究成果,可为国内呼叫中心提供运营管理方面的参考,尤其对国内银行呼叫中心的运营管理具有一定的指导价值。

    Especially , it has a guiding value for domestic bank call center operational management .

  7. 但是我们发现,在该外语呼叫中心的运营中,其外籍客户的满意度一直低于中文呼叫中心,究其原因主要是不同文化之间的差异引起的。

    However , it is found that the foreign customer satisfaction has stayed at a low level , and the main reason can be attributed to cultural differences .

  8. 本文的重点在于探索呼叫中心实际运营管理中业务量预测、人员需求计算和排班实施管理的流程和方法,并主要将研究结果在实践中求证。

    The focus of this paper is to explore the actual call center operations management business forecasts , and the scheduling of personnel needs of the implementation of the processes and management methods , and the main research results verified in practice .

  9. 呼叫中心在线营销运营管理与营销策略研究

    A Study on the Online Marketing Strategy and Operation Management of the Call Center

  10. 本文将从实际运营出发,具体剖析呼叫中心在电信运营企业中的应用及管理模式。

    This paper analysed the applications and managing mode of call center in the telecommunication carriers .

  11. 然后通过对某商业银行呼叫中心的实际运营数据进行业务量预测、人员需求计算和排班实施。

    Then a commercial bank through the call center operation data of the actual business of forecasting , staff scheduling needs calculation and the implementation .

  12. 电子商务在中国的飞速发展为电子商务型呼叫中心外包需求带来广阔的市场空间,同时也为提供外包服务运营管理的呼叫中心运营商提供了难得的发展机遇。

    The rapid development of e-commerce in China-based call center outsourcing for e-commerce has brought a broad market demand for space , and provides outsourcing services for the operation and management of call center operators to offer a rare opportunity for development .

  13. 呼叫中心的建立能有效地提高保险公司的工作效率和服务水平,目前保险公司呼叫中心运营管理体系在总体管理、成本控制、人员控制等方面存在的问题和难点,阻碍了其作用的发挥。

    Call center can effectively improve efficiency and services of insurance companies . Existing problems of the center centre in respect of overall management , cost control and personnel control in operational management are hindering the effectiveness of the call centre .

  14. 国内关于呼叫中心的研究目前都是主要从技术运用、人员培训的角度出发,还没有形成比较成熟的关于呼叫中心的运营管理理论。

    At present , the call center research in China is based mainly on the aspects like technical application and personnel training , which does not generate the mature operation management principle of call center .