
  • 网络China-Africa Development Fund;CADF;China-African Development Fund
  1. 中非发展基金由中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)在2007年成立,主要是为了入股在非洲进行扩张的中国企业。

    The cadfund was established in 2007 by the China Development Bank to buy stakes mainly in Chinese companies expanding in Africa .

  2. 就在上个月,国开行宣布设立一只50亿美元的中非发展基金(ChinaAfricaDevelopmentFund),为投资非洲(特别是石油和矿产领域)的中国公司提供廉价融资。

    Just last month CDB announced the establishment of a $ 5bn China Africa Development Fund to provide cheap funding to Chinese companies investing in Africa , particularly in the oil and minerals sectors .

  3. 中方通过设立中非发展基金、在非洲建立经贸合作区等方式,鼓励中国企业加大对非投资。

    By setting up the China-Africa Development Fund and building economic cooperation zones in Africa , China is encouraging Chinese enterprises to intensify investments in Africa .

  4. 不过,在中非发展基金在非洲最大经济体南非的商业之都约翰内斯堡设立首个代表处前夕,迟建新发表讲话表示:我们正以更快速度行动。

    However , speaking ahead of the opening of the fund 's first representative office in Johannesburg , the commercial capital of South Africa , the continent 's biggest economy , Mr Chi said : We are moving faster .