
  • 网络credit derivative
  1. 上周破产报业集团Tribune信用衍生产品清算的结果,为这种潜在的不良后果提供了证据。

    The settling of credit derivatives linked to the now-bankrupt newspaper group Tribune last week provided evidence of the potential downside .

  2. 为简单起见,本文中生成的报告基于某种类型的FpML数据(具体地说,是与信用衍生产品相关的数据),而且只使用FpML交易记录的特定部分。

    The reports generated in this article are based on a certain type of FpML data specifically , data related to credit derivatives and are designed to work with only specific portions of FpML trade records for simplicity .

  3. DrexelBurnhamLambert在1987年创造了CDO产品,由于其兼备资产证券化产品和信用衍生产品的特性而在全球迅猛发展,成为近年来发展最引人注目的金融创新产品。

    Drexel Burnham Lambert created the CDO product in 1987 , Because of its mixture both asset securitization and credit derivatives product features and rapid development in the world .

  4. 第二章则切入信用衍生产品交易的法律层面上,从市场参与者最广泛使用的ISDA主协议入手,介绍和分析相关的问题。

    In Chapter 2 , focused on the legal concerns of the credit derivatives transactions , ISDA Master Agreement which is widely used by traders is introduced and discussed .

  5. 上述议定书由“国际外汇交易与衍生产品协会”(isda)主持制定,以求在不透明的信用衍生产品市场上让投资者更容易知道,如果发生债务违约,他们持有的合约将会怎样。

    The protocol , created under the auspices of International Swaps & Derivatives Association , is intended to make it easier for investors in the opaque market for credit derivatives to know what will happen to their contracts if debt defaults occur .

  6. 本部分主要分析了信用衍生产品的法律性质。

    This part mainly analyzes the legal nature of credit derivatives .

  7. 信用衍生产品的产生与发展制约因素分析

    Analysis on the Origin of Credit Derivatives and Their Development Obstacles

  8. 信用衍生产品的定价实质上就是对信用风险进行定价。

    The pricing of credit derivatives is materially pricing credit risk .

  9. 信用衍生产品市场在最近几年得到了快速的发展。

    Credit derivatives market has developed rapidly in the recent .

  10. 信用衍生产品属于金融衍生产品中一个崭新的品种。

    Credit derivative is a new species of financial derivatives .

  11. 借鉴国外先进管理模型与方法,进行资产组合调整,探索和发展信用衍生产品。

    Using foreign advanced management model and methods for reference .

  12. 信用衍生产品是规避信用风险、解决信用悖论的有效工具。

    The credit derivatives are the effective instruments to handle the credit paradox .

  13. 信用衍生产品有关法律问题探析

    A Probe into the Legal Issues on Credit Derivatives

  14. 第一章是对信用衍生产品的基本情况进行了概述。

    In Chapter 1 , the outlines of the credit derivatives are discussed .

  15. 信用衍生产品的定价问题是其发展的瓶颈。

    The pricing problem is the bottle , neck of credit derivatives development .

  16. 西方信用衍生产品发展与借鉴

    The Reference and Development of the Western Credit Spinoff

  17. 摘要信用衍生产品是新兴的最具发展潜力的信用风险管理工具之一。

    Credit derivatives is one of the emerging risk management instruments with great potential .

  18. 信用衍生产品的微观金融效率分析

    Analysis of Microcosmic Financial Efficiency of Credit Derivatives

  19. 由次贷危机看信用衍生产品的发展及启示

    The Development and Revelation of Credit Derivatives from the Perspective of Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis

  20. 这使得与信用衍生产品相关的法律纠纷和金融事件时有发生。

    Legal disputes and financial incidents that are related to credit derivatives always happened .

  21. 可转换债券是一种极其复杂的信用衍生产品。

    Convertible bonds ( CB ) are derivatives of credit of a rather complicated kind .

  22. 第三部分介绍的是当今市场上各种形式的信用衍生产品。

    The third part is the introduction of the credit derivatives in the daily market .

  23. 信用衍生产品定价模型研究

    Research on Pricing Models of Credit Derivatives

  24. 第四章,对信用衍生产品的监管体系和监管方式做了论述。

    In Chapter 4 the supervision system and supervision fashion about the credit derivatives are discussed .

  25. 因此,我们有必要研究如何减少信用衍生产品交易中的信息不对称问题。

    So we should research how to decrease asymmetry information in the bargaining of credit derivatives .

  26. 但是,在信用衍生产品交易过程中存在着事前和事后的信息不对称。

    At the same time , there is asymmetry information in the bargaining of credit derivatives .

  27. 信用衍生产品是用来分离和转移信用风险的各种工具和技术的统称,其最大的特点是能将信用风险从市场风险中分离出来并提供风险转移机制。

    Credit derivatives are used to separate and transfer credit risk of various techniques and tools collectively .

  28. 结构性信用衍生产品及其应用

    Structure Credit Products and Implementation

  29. 实用信用衍生产品研究

    Study on Applied Credit Derivatives

  30. 只有通过不断创新,打破传统观念,客服制约因素,才能有效的推动信用衍生产品市场发展。

    By constant innovation , overcoming the old concept , we will effectively promote the credit derivatives market .