
  • 网络Information System Architecture;ISA;HISA
  1. 未来的信息系统结构模型&B/S计算模式

    Future Information System Architecture Model & B / S Computation Mode

  2. 城市交通信息系统结构方案研究

    Research on Urban Traffic Information System Architecture Project

  3. 基于WCF的信息系统结构模型与体系架构的研究与设计

    Research and Design on the Structure Model and Architecture of Information System Based on WCF

  4. 随着三层/多层企业信息系统结构的深度发展和下一代分布式计算模型Web服务的出现,企业应用中关于平台、框架、语言的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    With the comprehensive development of the three or more layers structure of the enterprise info system and the emergence of web services , the new generation distributed computing model , there are more and more competitions lied in the platform , architecture and language of the enterprise application .

  5. 谈企业管理信息系统结构

    A Talk on the Structure of Managerial Information System of Enterprises

  6. 电力营销管理信息系统结构设计及实现技术

    Architecture design and development technology of power marketing management information system

  7. 信息系统结构复杂性与可扩展性关系

    The Relation Between Expansible and Complexity of Information System Structure

  8. 信息系统结构复杂性与系统可靠性关系研究

    Study of the Relation Between Reliability & Complexity of Information Systems Structure

  9. 雷达综合保障信息系统结构体系研究

    Research on the Architecture of the Radar ILS Information System

  10. 管理信息系统结构划分的可拓算法

    The extended algorithm of structural partitions in management information systems

  11. 信息系统结构层次分析与系统可靠性

    Hierarchy Analysis of Information System Structure and System Reliability

  12. 安庆湿地信息系统结构与功能分析

    Preliminary Study on the Structure and Function of Information System for Anqing Wetland

  13. 基于客户/服务器模式的敏捷制造信息系统结构

    Client / Server Based Information System for Agile Manufacturing

  14. 分布式集成信息系统结构与实现

    Structure and implementation of distributed integrated information system

  15. 编组站信息系统结构模式的探讨

    Inquiry into Information Model of Marshalling Information System

  16. 山西高等植物数据库信息系统结构与功能

    An Introduction to the Structure and Function of High Plant Database Information System of Shanxi

  17. 数字化工厂信息系统结构研究

    Research on digitalized factories information system construction

  18. 基于组件的开放式地理信息系统结构

    Component - Based Open Architecture of GIS

  19. 给出了应用于管理信息系统结构设计的一种结构化算法。

    A structure method applied to the structure design of management information system is given .

  20. 管理信息系统结构设计算法&模糊聚类失量迭代算法的应用

    Structure Design Algorism of Management Information System & Application of A Fuzzy Clssification Method with Vector Iteration Process

  21. 在分析动态联盟企业信息系统结构的基础上,提出了该系统的抽象层次结构,并利用面向对象的方法进行了逐层描述。

    Based on analyses of the structure of VOIS , the authors present an abstract hierarchical structure of VOIS and describe it level by level using object-oriented method .

  22. 在分析信息系统结构的基础上,结合协同设计、管理和系统整体需求,提出了基于中间件的多层分布式协同工艺设计与管理系统体系结构。

    Second , studied the requirement of cooperative process planning and management and actuality of information system , a distributed multi-tier collaborative process planning system framework based on middle-ware technologies was presented .

  23. 会计信息系统结构复杂,影响因素多,变化性强,随时可造成会计信息的传递途径、时间及失真度的改变,影响会汁信息的质量。

    Accounting information system has the characters of complicated configuration , numerous influencing factors and strong variability , which can momentarily lead to the changes of pipeline , time and anamorphic degree of accounting information so as to affect the quality of accounting information .

  24. 基于GIS城市给排水管网信息系统数据结构的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization Data Structures of Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Information System Based on GIS

  25. 基于AM/FM/GIS与SCADA的污水处理信息系统的结构设计

    Design and implementation of sewage dealing information system based on am / fm / gis and SCADA

  26. 本文利用模糊聚类的原理(神经网络SOM算法)提出一种个性化WEB信息检索系统结构,包括用户个性化模糊聚类和网络信息模糊聚类,并分别论述其实现过程。

    This paper analyses fuzzy clustering ( SOM clustering algorithm ) based personalized information retrieval on the web , including user personalized fuzzy clustering and fuzzy clustering of web information , and discusses respectively to carry out the process .

  27. 分析了ERP与机械制造业内部的CAX、外部的Internet/Intranet之间的关系,并对ERP与其集成方式进行了论述,同时提出了一种基于ERP的制造业信息系统的结构模型。

    Analysed the relationship between CAX inside mechanic manufacture and Internet / Intranet outside , discussed ERP and its integration method , Meanwhile , presented a structure model of manufacture information system based on ERP .

  28. 本文介绍了运行在WINDOWSnt4.0平台上的煤矿通讯站管理信息系统的结构、主要功能及其技术特点。

    This paper describes the structure , main functions and technical features of a Management information System of Colliery Communication Stations running on Windows NT 4 . 0 .

  29. 依据区域性卫生信息系统框架结构,提出了应用数据服务中间件技术来实现其三层架构之间的数据与事务的处理,具体运用了Microsoft的COM+技术来构建与实现数据服务中间件。

    According to the three-layer architecture of our system , we introduce the Data Access Middleware into our system to deal with the data and transactions between the three layers . We concretely implement it with the COM + technology of Microsoft .

  30. 通过对目前使用的各种分布式信息系统体系结构的分析,结合航运业信息系统的特点,提出采用SUN公司制订的分布式企业级信息系统的J2EE规范作为本信息服务平台的体系结构基础。

    By means of analyzing the architecture of various distributed information systems that are used now , combined with the characteristics of shipping information system , put forward to employing J2EE specification designed by Sun Company , which used distributed enterprise information system as the base of this platform architecture .