
  • 网络distribution channel;channels of distribution
  1. 最后,建立了供应链配送渠道系统简化模型,设计了相应的仿真参数,通过Swarm仿真平台模拟了供应链配送渠道系统的动态组合行为,并对仿真结果进行了分析。

    Then this paper builds a simple model of distribution channel system in supply chain , designs the simulation parameters , simulates the dynamic behavior of the distribution channel system through swarm , and finally analyzes the results of the simulation .

  2. 从物流角度对军事后勤进行剖析,初步探讨了军事物资配送渠道的构建及配送关系确立,并提出建立军事物资配送体系的几点建议。

    This paper has analyzed the army logistics on the perspective of Logistics , done some research in the distribution channel construction and the relation establishment , and proposed some advises on constructing distribution system .

  3. 在美国,联想在销售及配送渠道方面大举投资。此前,IBM的这一业务在美国侧重于向大企业销售。

    It has invested heavily in sales and distribution channels in the US , where IBM had focused on selling to big corporations .

  4. 我们可以通过现有的配送渠道打入这些市场。

    We can reach these markets through our existing distribution .

  5. 再次,在营销方面,存在配送渠道不畅通,营销网络不健全的问题。

    Again , in marketing and distribution channels exist unblocked and no the imperfect network marketing .

  6. 当前电子商务物流企业纷纷通过建立仓储和构建自己的配送渠道来完成电子商务的全部物流外包业务。

    A large group of companies have established their own warehouses and distribution channels to accomplish all the logistics tasks outsourced from the e-commerce companies .

  7. 本营销策略确定的关键点是:目标市场的选定和市场定位。难点在于生鲜配送渠道网络的建立。

    Finally , target markets identification and market positioning are recognized as importance , while difficulty is the establishment of the fresh product delivery network .

  8. 经济全球化、供应链理念促进了国际物流的发展;而市场进入限制、金融壁垒和配送渠道阻碍国际物流发展。

    International logistics is promoted by economy global and supply chain management , but it is confronted with the marketing entrance restrict , finance barriers and delivery channel .

  9. 上海疫苗专家陶丽娜(音译)表示,为了新的疾控中心采购平台,而出台取缔“灵活的”疫苗销售和配送渠道的政策“有些过于仓促”,“这种转变不应一夜之间发生,它应该是一个长期的过程”。

    The policy scrapping " flexible " vaccine sales and distribution channels in favour of new CDC procurement platforms was " a little bit too hasty , " said Shanghai-based vaccine expert Tao Lina . " This type of transition should not happen overnight , it should be a long process . "

  10. 以配送和营销渠道中物流系统的柔性作为研究对象,提出物流系统柔性的概念框架,引入面向客户的物流可靠性作为物流绩效衡量指标,建立相应的绩效度量模型,考察物流系统柔性可能的效益。

    The concept framework of the flexibility in logistic systems was presented . Customer-oriented Logistics dependability was introduced and taken as a logistics performance measure . A model for evaluating the logistics dependability was also set up to examine the potential benefits of the flexibility in logistic systems .

  11. 因此,有必要运用科学的方法:合理组织农产品配送、规范流通渠道,实现农产品快速配送的配送体系。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study the utilization scientific method reasonable organization agricultural product physical distribution allocation , by the standard circulation channel , realizes the agricultural product fast allocation management system .

  12. 这些问题的存在因扰着电子商务配送的发展,以致于出现配送成本过高、商品仓储费用高和配送渠道不完善等类似问题。

    All these problems impede the development of e-commerce distribution .