
  • 网络information accuracy
  1. 当前如何提高港口企业的运作效率、库场占有率,提高港口企业的计划、调度信息准确性,合理安排港口货运计划、生产运作,已成为港口企业管理者共同关注的课题。

    Currently how to improve the operational efficiency of the ports , library field share , to strengthen information accuracy of port enterprise planning and scheduling , reasonable arrange port cargo plan has become the common subject of port enterprise managers .

  2. 信息质量包括信息准确性、适当性、易懂性3个子维度;

    Q & A on Sex information quality consists of information accuracy , relevance and understandability ;

  3. COM不保证其信息准确性。

    COM does not guarantee its accuracy .

  4. 运行结果表明,该查询系统在信息准确性、完整性以及运行效率方面都有较好的效果。

    The result shows the system do well in accuracy , completeness and running efficiency .

  5. 为解决特钢企业成本信息准确性差、费用分摊不合理的问题,提出了基于多材料清单的特钢成本管理体系结构。

    To deal with problem of data inaccuracy and incorrect fee allocation , an x-Bill of Material ( xBOM ) - based cost management framework of special steel enterprises was presented .

  6. 系统设计过程中解决了确保信息准确性、提高系统效率等实际问题,让企业在系统应用中可以更高效更准确。

    The system design process to solve practical problems to ensure the accuracy of the information , and improve the efficiency of the system , and enterprise system applications can be more efficient and more accurate .

  7. 面向新产品开发中的客户需求调查大多采用抽样随机调查的方法,调查表内容的设计、抽样的随机性大小、样本容量等是影响调查信息准确性的关键因素。

    Most of client demands that face to clients adopt random samples to develop new products . The design of questionnaire , the randomicity of sample and the capacity of stylebook are the main factors that influence the veracity of investigate information .

  8. 很有可能所提供信息的准确性还不够高。

    It is just possible that the accuracy of the information provided might leave something to be desired .

  9. 总之,统计信息的准确性取决于抽样率、数据倾斜(dataskew)以及用于数据抽样的数据群集。

    In summary , the accuracy of statistics depends on the sampling rate , the data skew , and data clustering for data sampling .

  10. 对词典编纂者来说,如何平衡句法信息的准确性和可达性(accessibility),是一项富有挑战性的任务。

    It is a challenging task for the dictionary makers to strike a balance between accuracy and accessibility of syntactic information .

  11. 本文讨论利用ABC方法进行工程项目成本的预测和核算,从而提高成本控制中信息的准确性。

    ABC is invited in this paper in project cost forecasting and accounts , to improve the accuracy of information in cost control .

  12. TMCI对本网站信息的准确性、完整性和真实性不作任何承诺;对信息的迟延、失误和遗漏不承担任何责任。

    TMCI does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy , completeness or authenticity of any information contained in this site .

  13. 保证了提取的指纹特征信息的准确性和可靠性。

    This ensured that fingerprint characteristic information is accurate and reliable .

  14. 这个网站确保其信息的准确性。

    This website ensures the accuracy of the information on it .

  15. 而气象信息的准确性关系到航空安全。

    The veracity of the weather information is connected with the aviation safety .

  16. 产品成本的核算方法直接影响产品成本信息的准确性。

    Product cost calculation methods directly influences the accuracy of the product cost information .

  17. 建立、完善并及时更新医院客户档案,保证客户信息的准确性。

    Create , improve and update hospital customer profiles to ensure the accuracy of customer information .

  18. 提高病案首页填写质量保证医疗信息的准确性

    Improve filling quality of front page of medical records and ensure the accuracy of medical information

  19. 考虑到调查过程中回忆信息的准确性,我们选择的病例年龄均小于70岁。

    Considering the veracity of the survey , the age of the case should not excess 70 years .

  20. 统计信息的准确性对于一个县市乃至于一个国家、一个民族的兴衰都是至关重要的。

    The accurate statistical information is very essential to a county , a city or even a country .

  21. 边信息的准确性对分布式视频编码的率失真性能与压缩效率有着显著的影响。

    The accuracy of side information would essentially influence rate distortion and compression efficiency of the DVC system .

  22. 在生命科学行业中,信息的准确性和严格遵守行业规范是非常重要的。

    Accuracy of information and strict compliance with industry regulations are very crucial in the life sciences industry .

  23. 在最小均方误差条件下,经自适应加权航迹融合算法融合后的航迹更接近运动目标的真实航迹,大大提高了目标信息的准确性。

    In the minimum mean square error conditions , the adaptive weighted track fusion algorithm is effective and accurate .

  24. 协助变更控制委员会工作,确保每个请求中信息的准确性;

    Coordinate Change Control Board ( CCB ) activities to ensure the overall accuracy of information within each request .

  25. 注:本表签字人应对所填写的信息的准确性负责。

    Note : the undersigned person shall be responsible for the veracity of the information filled in this questionnaire .

  26. 财务分析与评价的局限性影响财务信息的准确性和财务决策的正确性。

    The limitation of financial analysis and assessment influences the accuracy of financial information and the correctness of financial decision .

  27. 我自愿加入并保证提供信息的准确性和我所具备的资格。

    I 'm voluntary to join . I assure the information and certification I provided here are truly and accurate .

  28. 由于数据资料信息的准确性和推断方法的科学性,所得出的结论比较客观、全面。

    Because of the accuracy of data information and the scientific nature of extrapolation methods , conclusion is objective , comprehensive .

  29. 利用二元语义信息表示准确性高的特点,保证决策结果的精确性。

    With the advantage of two-tuple linguistic in the information expression , the accuracy of the decision-making results can be improved .

  30. 在咨询过程中,我们用心对待每一位客户,确保信息的准确性和实时性。

    Each client receives our personal attention during the consultancy process to ensure that the information they receive is accurate and up-to-date .