
  • 网络information paradox
  1. 信息悖论是一个客观存在的现实,越来越多的企业家认识到它的危害性。

    Information paradox is an objective reality , also more and more entrepreneurs have realized its destructivity .

  2. 这种信息悖论现象促使人们去探讨信息技术的效益如何实现。

    This kind of " information paradox " forces us to investigate how we can realize IT benefits .

  3. 信息悖论产生的原因在于测度不当、时滞和利润分配。

    In this paper , the authors summarize some reasons , such as improper measurements , time lag and profit distribution .

  4. 目前在公用事业公有民营与民有民营、民营化与市场效率改善、价格管制的信息悖论、改革中的利益协调问题等方面缺乏研究,存在理论盲点。

    At the present , we are less of study on the some domains of this reform , including state-owned-private-managing and private-owned-private-managing , privation and the market efficiency improving , the " information paradox " in the price regulation , how to harmonize the benefits of reform , etc.

  5. 本文认为信息悖论产生的重要原因在于企业缺乏整体的信息战略管理,并且提出只有加强信息战略管理,才可以摆脱信息悖论的困境,发挥信息技术的真正力量。

    The article suggests that the important reason for information paradox lies in the lack of unitary management of corporate information strategies , and proposes that only strengthening such management can help the corporate to break away from the information paradox and exert the real strength of the information technology .

  6. 同时以IT最新发展趋势为依据,提出IT效用研究的意义在于克服信息技术悖论,同时促进IT以人为本。

    The significance of IT utility theory study lies in two aspects : one is to avoid information paradox , the other is to improve IT for the benefit of human beings .

  7. 特色数据库建设和信息超载的悖论研究及解决方案

    On Paradox of Establishment of Characteristic Database & Information Overload Solutions

  8. 信息技术生产率悖论分析

    Analysis for " paradox of productivity ratio " of information technology

  9. 论信息技术生产率悖论的主要原因

    On the Main Causes of the Productivity Paradox for Information Technology

  10. 最后,给出企业信息技术生产率悖论对我国企业信息技术投资的启示。

    Finally , the article presents some reference to Chinese firm information technology investment .

  11. 企业中的信息技术生产率悖论

    Information Technology Productivity Paradox at the Firm Level

  12. 实施投入水平、实施过程又对IT应用绩效产生显著的正向影响(说明当实施成本系数小于临界值时,不存在信息技术生产率悖论);

    The level of resources allocated to IT implementation and implementation process have significant positive effect on application performance ;

  13. “信息技术投资悖论”产生的一个原因就是忽视了使用者对信息技术使用的影响。

    One of the reasons for " IT investment paradox " is the overlook of the impact of users on the use of information technology .

  14. 信息技术生产率悖论的提出使得信息技术对企业竞争力的作用遭到了专家学者的质疑。

    Because of the information technology " productivity paradox ", the effects that information technology brings for the competitiveness has been questioned by experts and scholars .

  15. 针对信息技术生产率悖论问题,学者们采用各种方法来解释信息技术价值,从不同角度探讨了信息技术与组织的互动性。

    In allusion to information technology productivity paradox , scholars have introduced kinds of ways to explain IT value and have discussed the interaction between IT and organization on different views .

  16. 本文提出了一个关于上市公司盈利预测信息自愿性披露的悖论。

    This paper puts forward a paradox of voluntary disclosure of earnings forecast to listed companies .

  17. 信息神话与信息悖论

    Information Myth and Paradox

  18. 信息技术的生产率悖论问题已经讨论了几十年,过去这个领域的研究主要限制在美国,但是信息技术生产率悖论在其它国家和地区的适用性如何仍然是有争议的。

    Although the productivity paradox has been in the debate for decades , past research in this field has been restricted to the United States , and the external validity of the paradox is questionable .

  19. 同时,本文通过分析信息孤岛、信息悖论对企业信息流程的影响,提出了信息衍射理论,阐明由衍射作用造成的企业结构臃肿。

    At the same time , by analysing the effects of the informative badlands and paradox on the information process , this paper has put forward information diffraction theory and clarified the overstaffed situation in the enterprise structure caused by diffraction .

  20. 阐述了信息技术投资与经济绩效的关系,并对信息技术悖论形成的原因进行了分析。

    This paper expounds the relation between the information technology investment and the economic performance , and analyzes on the causes of the generation of the paradox of the information technology .