
  • 网络Beacon
  1. 信标机在海上钻探定位中的应用

    Application of the Radio Beacon to Positioning Drills in the Ocean

  2. 军用信标机检查仪设计与制作

    The Design and Execution of the Beacon Receiving Tester for Military

  3. 10cm信标机信号实时采集及处理系统

    Signal Frequency Real-time Acquisition and Processing System of 10 cm Beacon Receiver

  4. 本文介绍了用单片微处理机对10cm信标机的信号频率进行实时采集和处理的工作原理。

    In this paper , with the help of microprocessor , acquisition and real-time processing of the signal frequency of the 10 cm beacon receiver is introduced .

  5. 信标机检测仪的研究和设计

    The Research and Design of the Beacon Receiving Tester

  6. 在这两类着陆系统中,指点信标机都是必不可少的。

    In these two types of landing system , pointing beacon is essential .

  7. S波段超小型化引导信标机

    A S-Band Miniature Guided Beacon

  8. 根据无线电数据链系统及部件的调试需要,研制开发了一种新型的以锁相环为核心、由单片机控制的射频信标机;

    Based on the requisition of wireless system debugging , this paper develops a novel radio-frequency beaconing .

  9. 文中详细地讨论了如何利用微机处理机采集组信标机信号频率值,并计算出其频率准确度和频率稳定度,采集的数据和处理的结果通过微型打印机输出。

    Acquisition of signal frequency is specified , frequency accuracy and stability is calculated , data acquired and processed result is printed .

  10. 提出用无线信标机来定位停车场中的汽车,重点分析了这种定位方式的原理及其技术特点。

    It is advanced in this article that the automobile in parking area can be positioned by using the beaconing machine , and their theory and technique specialty are primarily analyzed .

  11. 指点信标机是一种在机场跑道延长线上固定位置给飞机提供特定信标,以使飞机指示位置信息的一种设备。

    Pointing beacon is one kind at the stationary position provides the specific beacon on the extended line of runway production to the airplane , causes the airplane to instruct the positional information one kind of equipment .

  12. 利用多普勒资料进行轨道改进,将遇到卫星信标机和测站接收机的频偏带来的系统差,如何估计各站圈的频偏,是决定定轨精度的一个关键问题。

    Because the systematic errors due to frequency offset of satellite beacon and / or station receiver are included in Doppler data , the key problem of orbit improvement is how to estimate the frequency offset for every passing .

  13. 该检测仪现已成功应用于生产中,完全满足了设计和生产的实际要求。4、信标机检测仪和系统组成以及各组成部分的基本工作原理进行分析,并对各组成电路进行具体介绍;

    The detector has been applied in the production line successfully and its overall performance is satisfactory with the requirements of both the design and the production . The overall imagine of the beacon receiver detector is followed , and the pane diagram is used to analysis the process .

  14. 并根据已知外部参考源(如信标、应答机或岛屿等)的回波信号,探讨了一种提高雷达测量值位置配准精度,同时也能有效地消除电离层模式模糊的处理方法。

    Basing on the known signals from external reference sources ( e.g.beacon , responder or island , and so on ), we also discuss a method that can improve radar location accuracy and eliminate the ionosphere mode ambiguity .