
  • 网络fishery environment
  1. 基于GIS的渔业环境因子制图算法及其分析比较

    Comparison Study of Interpolation Methods for Fishery Environment Factor Based on GIS

  2. 分子生物学在渔业环境保护中的运用

    The Application of Molecular Biology in the Protection of Fishery Environment

  3. 优良的渔业环境是渔业经济可持续发展的物质载体与必然要求。

    The excellent fishery environment is the matter carrier and necessary require .

  4. 全面总结、系统阐述了江苏省大、中型水库的渔业环境及水生生物资源状况;

    The fisheries circumstances and aquatic biotic resources status were summarized systematically .

  5. 西北地区渔业环境永续利用的对策研究

    Study on Measures of Sustainable Utilization of Northwest Fishery Environment

  6. 重庆市渔业环境质量现状及污染特征探析

    Quality situation and pollution characteristics of fishery environment in Chongqing

  7. 渔业环境监测机构计量认证的实践与探析

    The Practice and Discussion of Computation Authentication in Fishery Quality Inspection Organization

  8. 香港垃圾倾倒活动有害渔业环境

    The fishery environment contaminated by the waste dumping activity of Hong Kong side

  9. 南极海区的渔业环境与生态

    Fishery environment and ecology of the Antarctic Sea area

  10. 并阐述了解决该地区渔业环境问题的四条科学途径。

    Moreover , we clarify the science way of resolving fishery environment problem .

  11. 关于福建省海洋与渔业环境监测系统建设的探讨

    A Study on Construction of Marine and Fisheries Environment Monitoring System in Fujian Province

  12. 日本渔业环境污染的监测

    Pollution Monitoring of Fishery Environment in Japan

  13. 鱼类致癌、致畸、致突变测试技术在渔业环境监测中的应用

    Application of analytical technique for fish canceration , malformation and mutation in fisheries environmental monitoring

  14. 罗源湾渔业环境监测调查报告

    Investigation Report on Luoyuan Bay Fisheries Environment

  15. 关于渔业环境监测的探讨

    A Study on Fishery Environmental Monitoring

  16. 长江口及邻近水域渔业环境质量的现状及变化趋势研究

    Research on present condition and change tendency of fisheries environmental quality in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent East China Sea

  17. 重金属污染是近年来我国渔业环境污染的公害之一,且形势十分严峻。

    Heavy metal contamination is one of the most fishery environmental pollution in recent years and the situation is very serious .

  18. 监测海洋渔业环境的资料浮标,是一种现代化的海洋监测工具。

    Data buoys used to monitor the fisheries environment is a modern tool which can provide timely , reliable data for the offshore fishery resources .

  19. 渔业环境权是渔业权人在得到许可的渔业水域从事养殖、捕捞等生产活动时所拥有的保护渔业水域环境的权利。

    The right to piscatorial environment is an environmental protection right of fishery right holders when they do aquatic breeding or fishing at the licensed fishery waters .

  20. 以毒理学为指导,现代医学测试技术为基础,研制出适合鱼类致癌、致畸、致突变的测试技术和方法,并将之应用于渔业环境监测。

    An analytical technique for testing canceration , malformation and mutation of fishes was developed based on toxicology and modern medical analytical technology and applied to the monitoring of fishery environment .

  21. 当前,重金属污染作为一个严重的环境问题日益受到关注。重金属污染是近年来我国渔业环境污染的公害之一,且形势十分严峻。

    Heavy metal contamination is now becoming one of the most serious worldwide environmental problems . Heavy metal contamination is one of the most fishery environmental pollution in recent years and the situation is very serious .

  22. 近海渔业环境中的重金属污染问题引起广泛的重视,成为海洋资源与环境研究中的重要内容,重金属对水产品质量的影响也受到越来越多的关注。

    Heavy metal pollution in piscatorial environment has aroused extensive attention , and it becomes the main matter as the ocean resources and environment research , and it has received more and more attention about the affect that heavy metals to the seafood .

  23. 基于数据库和GIS支持的渔业捕捞环境图集制作

    Image atlas of fishing and environment based on database technology and GIS

  24. 本文利用Access2000建立数据的分类输入、统计分析、综合评价和外部数据导入功能,利用VBADO数据访问方法实现对数据库的管理和数据处理功能的调用,构成了海洋渔业生态环境监测数据库系统。

    The modules of marine fisheries eco-environmental monitoring database , including classified data input , statistics and analysis , comprehensive assessment and outer date input , were approached by software of Access 2000 . The date analysis and management of database were realized through VB-ADO program .

  25. 巢湖渔业生态环境的层次分析评价

    The assessments for Chaohu Lake fisheries eco-environment by analytic hierarchy process

  26. 太湖渔业和环境的生态系统模型研究

    Ecosystem Modeling Study on the Fishery and Environment of Taihu Lake

  27. 太湖渔业与环境的可持续发展

    The Sustainable Development of Fisheries and Environment in Taihu Lake

  28. 宁波姚江渔业水域环境的质量分析

    Quality Analysis of Fishery Waters Environment in Yao Jiang River of Ningbo

  29. 中国渔业生态环境研究的现状及发展趋势

    The Status and Developmental Trend of Fishery Ecological Environment Research in China

  30. 海洋渔业生态环境监测数据库系统的设计和实现

    Design and development of the database for marine fisheries eco - environmental monitoring