
  • 网络fishing and hunting culture
  1. 乌日贡大会是以赫哲族传统渔猎文化为背景,以表现古今赫哲人生产生活为主题,集民族民间文化体育项目为一体的综合性民族节日。

    " Wurigong " meeting is a comprehensive national festival with national folk cultural and athletic events , which is against the background of the traditional fishing and hunting culture of Hezhe nationality and takes the topic of presenting the ancient and contemporary life and production .

  2. 原始社会部落人使用的竹木器、石器生产工具体现着狩猎渔猎文化、新旧石器文化;

    Tribal primitive society to use the wood , and stone tool production embodies the culture of hunting fishing and hunting , the new Paleolithic culture ;

  3. 由此可见,气候变暖将可能直接导致北极熊的绝种。除北极熊外,海象、小岛、森林生态系统甚至人类珍贵而又独特的因纽特人的渔猎文化也将可能随之消失。

    Prof Schneider said the next stage of warming was likely to affect small islands , polar bears , mountain top ecosystems and unique and valuable cultures such as the Inuit .

  4. 柳崇拜产生于满族先民的渔猎文化之中,渗透于满族先民生产活动的各层面,丰富了满族文化的内容,是中华民族文化的宝贵遗产。

    Willow worship was rooted in the culture of fishing and hunting of the Manchu ancestors . It spread in all parts of their work and life , enriched the connotation of the Manchu culture , and therefore , it is a valuable Chinese cultural heritage .

  5. 通过对常州东部地区的生态环境及自然湿地分析,认为该地区湿地资源丰富,历史渊源流长,农耕文化发达,具有典型的农耕渔猎传统文化特征。

    This paper analyzes the natural ecological environment and wetlands in the east of Changzhou , and suggests that this area is rich in resources and long in history , which shows typical characteristics of traditional farming and fishery .

  6. 东北渔猎民族皮服文化的形成源于当时极其低下的生产力水平和其特殊的渔猎生产方式。

    The formation of fur clothing culture is because of lower productivity and special fishing and hunting mode of production at that time .

  7. 文章通过对四排村赫哲族的渔猎生计历史和现状的研究来分析其传统的渔猎文化与生计转型的关系。

    The history and current situation of fishing and hunting conditions in sipai community reflect relation of changing between traditional culture of fishing and hunting and subsistence changes .