
yú zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • fishery administration
  1. 关于太湖渔政管理宏观调控机制的探讨

    A Study on Macrocontrol Mechanism in Fishery Administration of Taihu Lake

  2. 渔政管理学&新兴的渔业管理科学

    Fishery administration management is the new science of fishery management

  3. 渔政管理及渔政信息网络发展应用研究

    The application studies on fishery management and its internet information system

  4. 浅析太湖渔政管理的社会与经济效益

    Analysis on Social and Economical Result of Taihu Lake Fisheries Management

  5. 中国渔政管理指挥系统建设潜在的问题研究

    Aspects of Establishment of Fishery Management Guide System in China

  6. 加强渔政管理防制养殖水域污染

    Strengthening Fishery Polity Management Controlling Aquaculture Waters to be Polluted

  7. 中国渔政管理指挥系统总体解决方案

    Solution studies for China fishery administration and commanding system

  8. 关于美国海洋渔政管理考察报告

    Survey Report on Marine Fisheries Administration in USA

  9. 资源受到破坏,渔政管理落后等方面的制约因素;

    Fishery resources destroyed and lagged fishery management .

  10. 关于渔政管理学基本工作原则的探讨

    Study on Basic Principle of Fisheries Management Sciences

  11. 论渔业资源、捕捞生产和渔政管理的关系

    A Study on the Relation . Between Fishery Resources , Fishing Production and Fisheries Administration

  12. 渔政管理是一门新兴的渔业管理应用科学。

    Science of fishery supervision and administration is new developing and applied subject of fishery administration .

  13. 对渔政管理指挥系统建设项目中的业务软件部分渔船管理系统的设计方案进行了介绍。

    This paper focuses on the design of the fishing vessel management system , that is the application software for the ongoing project of China Fishery Administration System .

  14. 通过运行试验,对系统运行环境进行了评估,为渔政管理信息化的建设、系统升级提供了经验和技术依据。

    The system operating test has supported the evaluation of the system environment , and helped to provide experiences for the fishery administration information construction and served the system updating .

  15. 东白令海的刺黄盖鲽渔场海洋学与渔业生物学特征论渔业资源、捕捞生产和渔政管理的关系

    THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FISHING GROUND OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERY BIOLOGY OF YELLOWFIN SOLE IN EASTERN BERING SEA A Study on the Relation . Between Fishery Resources , Fishing Production and Fisheries Administration

  16. 渔政管理学有其特定的研究对象、研究范围和研究内容。作为一门刚处于草创阶段的新兴渔业管理学科,当前理论研究的主要任务是要建立起完整和谐的学科体系。

    The basic conditions of the generation and development , the research objects , the research range and the subject system of the Fishery Administration Management are studied in this paper .

  17. 本文结合中国渔政管理指挥系统项目建设实际中遇到的问题,研究信息网络发展对渔业信息化建设的必要性以及渔政管理和渔业信息化的研究领域、发展趋势等。

    Base on the project of Chinese Fishery Management Network Command System , the article discussed the necessary of informatization construction in fishery and the developing trend in fishery management and the related realm .

  18. 造成渔业污染事故的,应当接受渔政监督管理机构的调查处理。

    Where a pollution accident occurs to fishery , the matter shall be investigated and handled by the fishery supervision and administration department .

  19. 第三十三条本法规定的行政处罚,由渔业行政主管部门或者其所属的渔政监督管理机构决定。

    Article 33 The administrative sanctions stipulated in this Law shall be decided by departments of fishery administration or their subordinate fishery superintendency agencies .

  20. 县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门可以在重要渔业水域、渔港设渔政监督管理机构。

    Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC These departments shall be authorized to set up fishery superintendency agencies in important fishing areas and fishing ports .

  21. 黄渤海区渔政渔港监督管理工作的发展与设想

    Development and Ideas for Fisheries Administration and Fishing Port Supervision in Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea

  22. 中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局出现经济拮据有四种选择深圳保监局建议消费者应当履行按期缴纳保费的义务。

    Appear be hard up Shenzhen of 4 kinds of choices protects inspect bureau to suggest consumer ought to be fulfilled on schedule the obligation of pay insurance cost .

  23. 国家渔政渔港监督管理机构对外行使渔政渔港监督管理权。国家渔政渔港监督管理机构负责渔港船舶排污的监督和渔业港区水域的监视。

    The state fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by vessels in the fishing harbours and for exercising surveillance over the waters thereof .

  24. 健全渔政机构、加强渔政管理、做好鱼类繁殖;

    Perfecting fishery institution and intensifying fishery management and bettering the fish breeding ;

  25. 渔政检查人员执行渔业行政主管部门及其所属的渔政监督管理机构交付的任务。

    Such inspectors shall carry out the tasks assigned to them by the said departments and authorities .