
  • 网络description data;Describe Data;Characterizing Data
  1. 文章针对本方案的构件描述数据具有的层次性和结构性,结合XML语言的特点,确定以XML作为方案的描述语言,并且给出构件刻面树的XMLSCHEMA和术语空间、辞典的XMLSCHEMA。

    Considering the hierarchy and structure property of component description data and the characteristic of XML language , we make certain XML as description language of our classification scheme , and provide XML schemas as component facet tree XML schema , term space XML schema and thesaurus XML schema .

  2. 我们把这种用户生成的对网络资源的描述数据称为社会协作生成型数据。

    Here , we name this type of user generated description data as Social Collaborative Data .

  3. 新一代标记语言XML是开放环境下描述数据信息的标准技术。

    XML is a standard technology of describing information in open environment .

  4. 利用XML的扩展标签可以自我定义的特性XML可以充分,精确的描述数据。

    XML can representations data precisely using the ability of extensible markup .

  5. DataTypeURI:输入描述数据格式和语义的名字

    Data Type URI : Type name describing the format and semantics of the data

  6. XML设计成描述数据而HTML设计成显示数据。

    XML was designed to describe data and HTML was designed to display data .

  7. 这次的XML不是基于数据显示,而是考虑一种用于描述数据的结构。

    Instead of basing XML on the presentation of data , consider a structure that describes the data .

  8. XML是一种元标记语言,它具有一系列的建立语义标签描述数据的规则。

    XML is a meta-markup language , a set of rules for creating semantic tags used to describe data .

  9. 由于XML内容显示方面的优越性和数据存储特性,我们选用XML语言描述数据结构。

    XML is excellent on content display and data store , so we use the XML as a data scheme .

  10. c语言的说明语法可用来帮助描述数据,而不是让数据来决定程序的形式。

    C 's declaration syntax is designed to help describe data , rather than have the data determine the form of a program .

  11. 如SGML/XML描述数据结构一样,主题图(TopicMap)描述了语义链接网络结构。

    A and MAP . The Attraction of the Map A Topic Map structures link networks as SGML / XML structures data .

  12. Web数据资源及数据集成引发了半结构化数据问题,半结构化数据指其结构隐含或不规整的自描述数据。

    Semistructured data arise when the source does not impose a rigid structure ( such as the web ) and when data is combined from several heterogeneous data sources .

  13. 元数据是描述数据的数据,而RDF是一种携带元数据的很好的工具。

    Metadata is data about data , while RDF is a good tool that describes and carries metadata .

  14. 比如,RDF标准支持使用包、序列和替代来描述数据。

    For example , the RDF standard supports the use of the bags , sequences , and alternatives during data description .

  15. 为了获得最大的可移植性,我们建议将DXL文档转换为可以更有效地描述数据的XML文件。

    For maximum portability , we recommend transforming the DXL document to an XML file that can describe your data more effectively .

  16. XML(半结构化语言)已经成为一种最重要的数据载体,在Web服务、电子商务、数字图书馆等诸多网络相关应用领域已经成为描述数据的事实上的标准。

    XML ( Semi-structured language ) has become one of the most important data carrier , and has become the standard of describing data in Web services , e-commerce , digital libraries , and many other network-related applications .

  17. 描述数据的标准(RDF)和描述数据属性的标准(RDFSchema)的存在,促进了从多个源读取和利用数据的工具集的开发。

    The existence of standards for describing data ( RDF ) and data attributes ( RDF Schema ) enables the development of a set of readily available tools to read and exploit data from multiple sources .

  18. 利用XML模式描述数据的优点,通过提取各数据源的元数据,对元数据进行转换处理,在此基础上根据一定的规则构建虚拟数据库,使得待集成的数据源以一致的全局视图形态呈现给用户。

    By taking advantages of XML schema in description of data , the metadata can be extracted and then converted , and then a virtual database according certain rules can be built to enable the data sources to be presented to users in a uniform global view .

  19. 给定一组数据类型和规则,您就可以创建一个Solr模式来描述数据和控制应当怎样构造索引。

    Given a set of data types and rules , you can then create a Solr schema to describe your data and control how the indices should be constructed .

  20. 它提供了一个需求说明语言RSL,用户可以用它描述数据及应用需求。

    Users can describe their own information system and application requirements with the help of the language , and then NITAG produces the system of the users desire automatically .

  21. 为刻画NCS通信环节的外部特性,本文用一个简单的变采样周期、变时延模型来描述数据包丢失、网络诱导时延对闭环系统的影响。

    To describe the external characteristics of complicated communication subsystem in NCS , this thesis proposes a simplified dynamic model , consisting of a variable-period sampler and variable transport delay , to denote the packet dropping in data transmission and network-induced time delay .

  22. 利用免疫理论中的克隆选择、亲和力成熟和免疫网络理论来建构一种网络模型aiNet,将其用于数据聚类可以减少数据中的冗余,描述数据结构和聚类形状。

    An artificial network structure ( aiNet ) stressing the clonal selection and affinity maturation and immune network theory was capable of reducing redundancy , describing data structure , including the shape of clusters .

  23. 为了对存取性能进行优化,本文提出了MF-AVL索引结构和可以精确描述数据活跃度的工作版本空间的数据淘汰策略。

    In order to optimize the data access performance , the MF-AVL index structure and the data elimination strategy in WES which can accurately describe the data activity are proposed .

  24. DE-Wrapper使用扩展正则表达式(ERE)描述数据源结构,根据该ERE构造数据抽取树(DE-树),然后根据DE-树生成相应的关系数据库模式,最后抽取数据。

    DE-Wrapper is a tool developed for solving data extraction problems , which describes the structure of data source with the extended regular expressions ( ERE ) and creates the data extraction tree ( DE-Tree ) according to the ERE , then generates the relational tables and extracts data finally .

  25. 基于有向图描述数据仓库中复杂维层次结构的方法研究

    Researching the Hierarchy of Dimensions in Data WareHouse Using Directed Graph

  26. 数据模型描述数据元素的结构。

    A data model describes the structures of data elements .

  27. 系统编目描述数据的逻辑和物理结构。

    The system catalog describes the logical and physical structure of the data .

  28. 分析数据仓库体系结构,描述数据加载过程中的不同实现方法。

    Studies the data warehouse architecture and illustrates different methods of data loading .

  29. 用来描述数据结构以及它们之间如何关联的报表模型文件。

    A report model file that describes data structures and how they relate .

  30. 切换回归模型能够定量描述数据集中不同的模式信息,已经被广泛应用到各个领域。

    Switching regression algorithms have been widely studied and applied in many fields .