
  • 网络Descriptive Analysis
  1. 方法采用抽样调查、描述性分析和非条件logistic回归分析。

    Methods Sampling survey , descriptive analysis and nonconditional logistic regression .

  2. 所用的统计学方法主要是描述性分析、t检验、利益相关集团分析和SWOT分析等。

    Statistical methods like descriptive analysis , t-test , stakeholder analysis and SWOT analysis were applied .

  3. 用SPSS16.0统计软件对问卷资料进行描述性分析、χ2分析和二元logistic回归分析。

    All data derived from questionnaires is processed by SPSS software package ( version 16.0 ) for descriptive analysis ,χ 2 analysis and Binary Logistic analysis .

  4. 在具体统计分析中,应用EXCEL和SPSS工具进行描述性分析和相关性分析。

    In the specific statistical analysis , I apply the tools of EXCEL and SPSS to do the descriptive analysis and correlation analysis .

  5. 方法对急性驰缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测系统和口服脊灰疫苗(OPV)免疫资料进行描述性分析。

    Methods The AFP monitoring system and the data concerning orally administration of OPV vaccines were analyzed .

  6. 描述性分析采用频数分布、构成比等指标,统计学检验采用卡方检验和二分类非条件Logistic回归等。

    The indicators such as frequency distribution , proportion of constitution were used in descriptive analysis and the chi-square test and the classification of non-Conditional Logistic Regression , etc. in statistical tests .

  7. 按Cochrane系统评价方法评价纳入研究质量,并进行描述性分析。

    According to Cochrane systematic reviews to evaluate the quality of the study and make a descriptive analysis .

  8. 经刑警本人正确合理的填写调查问卷,通过描述性分析以及将刑警的健康状况和可能的相关因素建立Logistic回归模型,探索找出影响刑警健康状况的因素。

    After the criminal police reasonably filled in the inquisition questionnaire , The factors that affect the health status of criminal police were established through describe analysis and the Logistic back to return model .

  9. 而基于宏观经济变量的logit模型和基于微观经济变量的描述性分析都很好地验证了该结论。

    This conclusion has also been improved by the logit econometric model based on the Macroeconomic variables and descriptive analysis based on Microeconomic variables .

  10. 数据使用SPSS13.0进行描述性分析、独立样本t检验、方差分析、多元线性回归分析、相关分析和Logistic回归分析等。

    The data were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 by descriptive analysis and independent sample t test and anaylsis of variance , multiple factor linear regression and pearson correlation analysis and Logistic regression analysis and so on .

  11. 在资料分析时,对伤害的概况以及流行病学特征进行描述性分析,探讨伤害危险因素使用单因素和多因素负二项回归分析,多发伤害分析方法是多分类多因素Logistic回归分析。

    Analysis of description was used to provide the whole picture of injury pattern . Negative binomial regression and polytomous Logistic regression were employed to assess the risk factors of total injuries and recurrent injuries , respectively .

  12. 本文首先运用嵌套Logistic模型将农村劳动力的流动决策分解为是否选择务工以及如果务工后他们务工地点的选择两个层次并在此基础上进行描述性分析和实证研究。

    This paper first applied nested logistic model to divide the decision of rural labor mobility into two steps , the first step is whether they choose to flow from agriculture to non-agricultural industries and the second is that if they migrate to non-rural places .

  13. 最后,本文利用SPSS软件,主要采用了描述性分析、信度分析、效度分析、相关分析、回归分析、交互作用分析等统计方法,对调查数据进行分析。

    The author takes advantage of this questionnaire to carry out the investigations . At last , this author uses software of SPSS 13.0 to do descriptive statistical analysis , reliability analysis , correlation analysis , correlation analysis 、 interaction analysis .

  14. 采用描述性分析、单因素统计推断(卡方检验)以及Logistic回归模型等方法对样本地区不同人口学、社会经济学特征农村居民的整体健康、体力与社交状况进行分析,探索健康的社会经济影响因素。

    Conducting descriptive statistics , univariate statistical inference ( x2test ) and Logistic regression etc. , we analyzed overall health status , physical strength and social communication of rural residents with different demographic characteristics and socioeconomic status , in order to explore socioeconomic factors related to health .

  15. 将难以量化的因素进行描述性分析,将比较容易量化的因素用SPSS软件进行定量分析,从而找出影响房地产价格变动的重要因素。

    Descriptive analysis should be made on the factors difficult to quantify , and the easily quantified factors can be analyzed with SPSS software . In this way , the important factors that influence the changes of real estate prices can be found .

  16. 除了对相关的数据资料进行一般的描述性分析外,还运用相关分析、探索性因子分析、信度分析、效度分析、Kappa一致性检验对筛查表和评估表进行了效能评价。

    In addition to a general description of all related data , but also correlation , exploratory factor analysis , reliability analysis , validity analysis , Kappa consistency check have been used for the performance evaluation of screening form and evaluation form . 3 .

  17. 目的探讨沿海经济发达城市与内陆欠发达城市中年人群生存质量及影响因素方法采用生存质量表(SF-36)及问卷调查方式,建立数据库,运用描述性分析和有序回归分析等。

    OBJECTIVE To research and compare the quality of life ( Qol ) of the middle-aged population who live in the developed coastal city as well as who live in the underdeveloped inland city , and the relevant influencing factors .

  18. 描述性分析结果示,PPHN、高血糖、高血压、CLD、生长发育延迟的发生率在糖皮质激素治疗组与对照组间无显著性差异。

    Descriptive analysis results indicated that incidence of PPHN , air leak , hyperglycemia , growth and development delay , hypertension and CLD between glucocorticoid treated group and controlled group had no significant difference .

  19. 通过对RBD和TDI相关理论的文献回顾发现,将RBD视为旅游吸引物是RBD研究的新视角,相关研究已经提出RBD会对提升城市品牌形象产生影响,但均是描述性分析,尚无实证研究。

    The article finds that RBD has been regarded as a new tourist attraction . Related research has found that RBD will promote the brand and image , but that are all descriptive analysis , there is no empirical research .

  20. 方法:采用临床单纯随机分组方法,将240例住院高血压患者随机分为试验组和对照组,建立数据库,运用描述性分析、l检验、X~2检验及秩和检验等方法。

    Methods : 240 cases of inpatients of hypertension were randomly divided into a trial group and a control group , establishing database , and descriptive analysis , t-test , x ~ 2 test and rank test methods were adopted .

  21. 又按照临床流行病学原理及CONSORT声明,采用《随机对照临床试验研究文献评价表》收集所有文献的信息,进行描述性分析和一致性检验。

    The data were extracted according to the principles of clinical epidemiology and consolidated standards of reporting trials ( CONSORT ), as well as an evaluation scale for randomized controlled trials ( RCTs ) . The data were managed by descriptive analysis and uniformity test .

  22. 性文学的人类学解读1.描述性分析。

    An Anthropological Understanding of Sex Literature 1 . Descriptive study .

  23. 资料分析方法采用一般描述性分析和主成分分析等。

    Descriptive and principal component analyses were used to analyze data .

  24. 同时,也可以进一步验证描述性分析的结果。

    The econometric method can also verify results from descriptive analysis .

  25. 方法通过报表收集资料。对资料进行描述性分析和对比分析;

    Descriptive analysis method and contrast analysis method were used .

  26. 中国居民健身活动的描述性分析

    The Descriptive Analysis of Exercise Participation of Residents in China

  27. 对各项内容进行描述性分析及χ2检验。

    All the data were analyzed and χ 2 tested .

  28. 方法收集河南省2005年的疟疾疫情报告数据进行描述性分析。

    Methods Data concerning malaria infections were gathered and analyzed .

  29. 广西某城市医院伤害监测资料描述性分析

    Descriptive analysis of hospital injury surveillance data from a city in Guangxi

  30. 1996~2005年军队传染病发病的描述性分析

    Descriptive analysis on outbreaks of infectious diseases in armed forecs during 1996-2005