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miáo jīn
  • paint in gold;trace a design in gold
描金 [miáo jīn]
  • [paint in gold;trace a design in gold] 为使器物美观而在其上用金银粉勾图、描绘作为装饰

描金[miáo jīn]
  1. 描金的福建漆盘子里还放着当天的报。

    On the gilded Fujian lacquer tray also lay the morning newspaper .

  2. 带描金边饰的堆花图案跃现于深蓝色底坯上,具有景泰蓝风格。

    Embossed patterns with gold foils in relief against the dark blue base appear in the style of cloisonne .

  3. 宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、实木雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。

    Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material , solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor .

  4. 主要有人工吹制、机压、机吹、人工雕刻、描金、烤花、印花、蒙砂等生产工艺。

    Manufacturing techniques : mouth blow , machine blow , machine press , artifical carving , golden edge , decal , frosted , sandblasting , etc.

  5. 还吸收了浮雕、漆线、描金、书法等传统技法,极具欣赏性和收藏价值。

    As a result of absorbing some traditional art and techniques , such as embossing , varnish yarn , painting in gold , and calligraphy , it is also worth appreciating and collecting .