首页 / 词典 / good

  • shoes;saline soil;a surname
  • 鞋。

  • 同“潟”。

  • 姓。

  1. 栖息于礁石平台以及舄湖浅滩与临海礁石。

    Inhabit reef flats as well as shallow lagoon and seaward reefs .

  2. 唐代妇女的履袜主要有舄等,其中的线鞋最具特色。

    Tang women assumed socks , shoes , are mainly line of shoes , which are the most characteristic .

  3. 田中引用新舄地方文化的理由,解释她为何借调家族企业员工担任国会助理。

    Citing Nagaoka 's local culture , Tanaka explained why she hired employees of her family firm to be her parliament assistants .

  4. 这些助理是从东京以北两百公里她的选区新舄县一家她家族开的巴士服务公司借调来的。

    These assistants were hired from her family 's bus company in her constituency , the Nagaoka County , 200 kilometers north of Tokyo .

  5. 咸水氵舄湖环境下的烃源岩中3-甲基菲和2-甲基菲相对丰度增加,其甲基菲指数也偏大;

    The relative abundances of 3 - methyl phenanthrene and 2 - methyl phenanthrene increase in the hydrocarbon source rock under the salt lagoon environment and the methyl phenanthrene index is on the high side .