
miáo xiě
  • describe;description;depict;portray;picture;represent;delineate;sketch
描写 [miáo xiě]
  • [describe;delineate;depict;portray;represent;sketch] 用语言文字表现人或事物

  • 描写人物

  • 描写实物入手。--蔡元培《图画》

描写[miáo xiě]
  1. 我之所以在这里尽力把他描写出来,就是为了不要忘记他。

    If I try to describe him here , it is to make sure that I shall not forget him .

  2. 由于评价现象(evaluation)在语言交际中的普遍性和重要性,学者们从各种视角、采用各种方法对其进行了描写和解释工作。

    Because of the universality and importance of evaluation , scholars have tried to describe and explain it from different perspectives and with different methods .

  3. 她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。

    She produced a TV series about adopted children .

  4. 这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。

    It 's a well-constructed crime story , told with speed and punch .

  5. 他被右翼报章描写成了魔鬼。

    He was demonized by the right-wing press .

  6. 他的公开形象与书中描写的恋家男人相去甚远。

    His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the book .

  7. 踏访托马斯∙哈代小说描写的地区。

    Explore Thomas Hardy country .

  8. 那部纪录片引起了许多人的反感,尤其是在片中描写到其生活的工人。

    The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling , not least among the workers whose lives it described .

  9. 书中主要描写桑迪的两个已到中年的孩子。

    The bulk of the book concerns Sandy 's two middle-aged children

  10. 作为描写青春期的书,它已几臻完美。

    As an account of adolescence it could hardly be bettered .

  11. 她读了一首卡弗描写他们共同生活的诗。

    She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together

  12. 欧文凭借其生动细致的描写使这篇小说广受欢迎。

    Irving popularized the story in a dramatic and embellished account .

  13. 该书的精彩之处在于其对现今东京的描写。

    The book 's strength lay in its depiction of present-day Tokyo .

  14. 儿童图书常常把农场的动物描写得温和而可爱。

    Children 's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle , lovable creatures .

  15. 格雷以富于戏剧性和令人着迷的细腻笔触描写了这5位女性的生活。

    Gray describes in dramatic and spellbinding detail the lives of these five ladies .

  16. 现在的电视节目为什么这么喜欢描写老男人和妙龄性感女郎的故事呢?

    What is this current television obsession with older men and nubile young women ?

  17. 这部戏描写的是青年时期和青春期之间那段危险、暖昧的时光。

    The play is set in the dangerous no-man 's land between youth and adolescence

  18. 我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。

    I found myself skipping these passages , though no doubt many readers will slaver over them .

  19. 她描写人类的内心生活,尤其是他们所承受的道德压力。

    She depicted the interior life of human beings , and particularly their moral stresses and strains .

  20. 作家描写了工业革命前的乡村生活。

    The writer depicted country life before the industrial revolution .

  21. 他把剪羊毛棚描写成十足的地狱。

    He described a shearing shed as sheer hell .

  22. 很多人称他们对该小说中大量的色情描写很反感。

    Many people claim to be disgusted by the amount of pornography in the novel .

  23. 作家将其小说中的主角描写为“那张孔武黝黑的英俊面孔显得瘦削而憔悴”。

    The writer described the protagonist in his novel with ' the strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard ' .

  24. 他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写。

    He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset .

  25. 作者很善于描写大的场面。

    The author is adept in depicting vast scenes .

  26. 这本小说描写了一个战士的成长。

    The novel portrays the growth of a fighter .

  27. 故事描写解放前四川农村的社会状况。

    The story depicts the social conditions in pre-liberation rural sichuan .

  28. 作者把主人公描写为一个有抱负的青年。

    The author qualified the hero as an ambitious youth .

  29. 连续谱适合于描写钹的碰撞声。

    Continuous spectra are appropriate to the clash of cymbals .

  30. 增加这个词会使其描写更加生动。

    The word is added to give vivid description .