
  • 网络Descriptive language;WSDL;Verilog;SDL;scripting language;VBScript
  1. 本文介绍了采用verilog硬件描述语言设计有限状态机时几种常用的状态编码方式,并结合有限状态机的设计例子来比较各编码方式。

    This paper discusses several state encoding styles in designing finite state machine using verilog HDL , and then compares these styles by an example .

  2. 通过与传统的数字逻辑系统的设计方法进行比较,展现了硬件描述语言Verilog-HDL设计数字逻辑电路的优越性。

    The process of designing digital logic system by verilog HDL is presented , compared with the traditional digital logic system design method .

  3. “语域”是一个术语,通常用以描述语言中用语的正式程度。

    ' Register ' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language .

  4. 语言学家的主要兴趣一直在于分析并描述语言

    The linguists ' main interest has been to analyze and describe languages .

  5. WSC/ADL:WebServices组合系统体系结构描述语言

    WSC / ADL : An Architecture Description Language for Web Services Composition System

  6. 语义Web中几种语义描述语言的分析比较

    Comparative Analysis of Several Semantic Web Languages

  7. 基于XML的用户界面描述语言分析

    A Review and Analysis of XML - Based User Interface Language

  8. 基于XML的生活饮用水水质卫生规范描述语言的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of sanitary standard makeup language for drinking water quality

  9. 基于XML的电气图描述语言的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Makeup Language for Electric Drawings Based on XML

  10. 服务接口定义(例如,Web服务描述语言(WebServicesDescriptionLanguage,WSDL))

    Service interface definition ( for example , Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ))

  11. 基于XML的Web访问控制策略描述语言

    XML-based Web Access Control Policy Description Language

  12. 由于传统的Web服务的描述语言WSDL缺乏计算机可理解的语义信息。

    Traditional Web Service Description language WSDL lacks computer-interpretable semantic information .

  13. 面向Web的知识描述语言

    Web-oriented knowledge description language

  14. Java程序部分求值描述语言及其应用框架

    Partial Evaluation Specification Language and Application Framework for Java

  15. SRML-一种基于XML的仿真模型描述语言

    SRML-A Simulation Model Description Language Based XML

  16. 一个基于XML的虚拟博物馆场景描述语言

    XML-based Scene Description Language for Virtual Museum

  17. 通用服务规范格式(Webservices描述语言,即WSDL)。

    A common service specification format ( Web Services Description Language , or WSDL ) .

  18. 虚拟人是3D动画中最丰富的因素,因此虚拟人动画描述语言是当前研究的一个热点。

    Therefore , virtual human animation description language is a hot topic of current research .

  19. 基于专用信息描述语言的级进模结构CAD柔性系统研究

    The study of flexible progressive die structure CAD system based on the specialized information-describing language

  20. Web服务提供者用Web服务描述语言(WebServicesDescriptionLanguage,WSDL)文档来描述Web服务。

    A web service provider describes a web service in a Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ) document .

  21. 体系结构描述语言XYZ/ADL到UML的映射

    Mapping from architecture description language XYZ / ADL to UML

  22. XML为Web提供了一致的数据模型和描述语言,已成为表示Web中多样性数据的事实标准。

    XML has become the standard to represent data in Web and it provides a uniform data model for Web data .

  23. 本系统使用XML作为报表的描述语言,利用.NET技术编写打印控件。

    This system developed print control with technology of . NET , using XML as report table description language .

  24. 您可以使用Web服务描述语言(WSDL)、Java或其他语言来描述接口。

    You can use Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ), Java , or other languages to describe interfaces .

  25. 在这篇文章中,我将探讨有关Web服务描述语言(WSDL)的问题。

    In this article , I will describe the issues around the Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ) .

  26. 基于攻击描述语言的IDS基准测试技术研究

    Research on Technology of IDS Benchmark Test Based on Attack Description Language

  27. 简易地开始,利用SOAP和Web服务描述语言(WSDL)作为基础标准。

    Start simple , using SOAP and Web Services Description Language ( WSDL ) as the fundamental standards .

  28. 从过程描述语言到Z语言

    From Process Description Language to Z Language

  29. 抽象数据类型(abstractdatatype,以下简称ADT)和PROLOG都可作为数据类型的描述语言,本文旨在揭示二者间的关系。

    Both abstract data type and PROLOG can be used as descriptive languages and the relationship between them .

  30. 以FPGA为硬件电路的核心,VHDL作为FPGA的描述语言,设计系统的数据采集卡。

    FPGA described by VHDL language serves as the core of hardware of the data-collecting electronic circuit .