
  1. 一个初见成效的实践:传统工科本科生双结业培养模式

    A Practice with Initial Success : the Cultivation Pattern of Double Completion for Traditional Engineering Undergraduates

  2. 传统工科专业大学生就业渠道的拓展传统的渠道策略一般具有顺向的特点,渠道结构是金字塔形。

    Enlarging Employment Channel for College Students Majoring in Traditional Engineering ; The traditional channel structure is a pyramid .

  3. 文章对四所国内传统工科院校体制之外的新办建筑院校&南京大学、北京大学、中央美术学院和中国美术学院,进行教学访谈,展现这四所院校的办学思想和特色。

    This is a record of interviews with four newly founded architecture schools at Nanjing University , Beijing University , Centra Academy of Fine Arts and China Academy of Art , which fall outside of the conventional engineering college system .

  4. 对传统工科院校课程实验教学体系进行了分析,提出了对实验教学体系进行改革的思路,提出了工科院校课程实验教学改革的方向。

    Through the thinking of the traditional experiment teaching system for the university of engineering , this paper introduces the research on the reform of the experimental teaching system for the university of engineering , and puts the direction of this reformation forward .

  5. 传统的工科物理实验课程存在内容老化、教学方法保守、实验技术落后等弊端,制约着学生个性的发挥和创造能力的培养。

    There existed a few disadvantages in the traditional physics experiment course , such as out of date contents , conservative teaching way and backwardness of experimental techniques .