
  • 网络sensor node;Sense Node
  1. 无线传感器节点能量有限并且应用环境复杂,所以对它的任何研究都必须考虑节能的问题。

    For the limited energy of one sensor node and the complexity of application circumstances , any research of sensor network must deal with the problem of energy-saving .

  2. 一种远距离无线监测CO传感器节点设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Long Distance Wireless Monitoring CO Sensor Node

  3. 该算法根据传感器节点到Sink节点的跳数信息建立最小跳数场。

    The improved algorithm sets up minimum hops field according to the hops of different sensor nodes to the sink node .

  4. 这些应用都是由传感器节点收集相关的监测数据,经过多跳发送至汇聚节点(sink节点)进行分析和决策。

    All the applications are essentially related to collect sensed data and transmit them to the sink node for further analysis and decisions .

  5. 这种传感器节点的网络就是无线传感网络,它易于布置,且具有adhoc连接性和高效性。

    This network of sensor nodes is known as a wireless sensor network ( WSN ) because of its ease of deployment , ad hoc connectivity and cost-effectiveness .

  6. 本文在HSS中实现了所提出的保护策略,并分别在系统中的传感器节点端和服务器端执行。

    The strategies are executed both on the system sensor node side and the computer server side .

  7. MAC协议决定了各通信链路如何使用无线信道,它为传感器节点之间数据传输分配有限的通信资源。

    The MAC protocol determines the manner of using wireless channels in the communication link , it allocates the limited communication resources between the sensor nodes .

  8. 传感器节点能量受限,节能是传感器网络中媒体访问控制(MAC)协议设计的首要问题。

    As sensor nodes are energy limited , saving energy is the primary issue in designing Medium Access Control ( MAC ) protocols in sensor networks .

  9. 各个传感器节点正常工作,射频读卡模块正确读卡并在LCD触摸屏上显示射频卡内存储的用户基本信息数据。

    Each sensor node normal work , rf reading card modules reading card and display user basic information stored on the radio frequency card in the right touch screen .

  10. LEACH是一种基于簇的协议,它采用本地簇头随机轮转机制将能量负载均匀分布到网络中的所有传感器节点,簇头节点将收集到数据进行融合后发送给基站。

    LEACH is a clustering-based protocol that utilizes randomized rotation of local cluster to evenly distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network .

  11. 终端传感器节点能量有限是限制无线传感器网络(WSN)大规模应用的一个重要方面。

    The energy limitation of the sensor nodes which are the terminals of the wireless sensor networks is an important aspect in restricting the mass application of the WSN .

  12. 传感器节点主要包括核心模块、电源模块、无线通信模块、数据采集模块和RS-232通信模块。

    Sensor nodes consist of core module , power module , wireless communication module , data acquisition module , and RS-232 communication module .

  13. 在面向定位的视频传感器节点感知模型基础上,提出了面向定位覆盖(L覆盖)概念。

    Based on the localization-oriented sensing model , we propose a novel concept , localization-oriented coverage .

  14. WSN由于其传感器节点自身能力以及无线传输方式的限制,在设计中很难使每个技术指标都达到最优。

    Limited by self-capability of sensor nodes in WSN and the wireless transmission mode , it is hardly possible to reach the optimal level on each technical target at the same time .

  15. 从广义上说,WSN中的定位技术分为传感器节点的自身定位(节点定位)和对其他节点或目标定位(目标跟踪)。

    Broadly speaking , WSN localization technology can be divided into two fields , sensor nodes itself located ( node localization ) and localization of other nodes or targets ( target tracking ) .

  16. 区别于红外探测,利用RSSI值进行探测是一种新颖的思路,在有限的成本下,可以大量布置传感器节点。

    Different from infrared detection , it is a novel idea , which can arranged a large number of sensors with a less cost .

  17. 针对WSN中传感器节点的能量受限问题和不同节点测量数据具有相关性的特点,采取边路由数据边进行网内处理的传输策略,提出了一种通过优化传感器节点的放置位置使得网络能耗最小的方案。

    To meet with the energy limitation requirement of sensors , a scheme of optimizing the deployment of sensors and adopting the strategy of routing while compressing is proposed to minimize the network energy consumption .

  18. 研究了无线传感器节点定位问题,在三边测量法定位基础上提出了一种基于RSSI的灵活的节点定位机制(FTL)。

    The node localization technology in wireless sensor networks was studied , and a flexible trilateration localization ( FTL ) based on RSSI was presented .

  19. 无线传感网络(WSN)是由部署在监控区域内的大规模传感器节点组成的,为安全监控、过程控制、农作物观察以及医学监控和诊断等领域提供不同功能的自组织网络系统。

    Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) is a self-organizing network composed with large-scale sensor nodes deployed in the monitored area for different motivation , such as safety monitoring , process control , crop observation and medical diagnostics .

  20. 同时利用单跳通信范围,移动Sink不仅收集访问的传感器节点的数据,还收集单跳范围内其他传感器节点的数据,改进了移动Sink的数据收集方式。

    By using a single-hop range , mobile sink not only collects data of the sensor node which it visited , but also collects data of other sensor node in single-hop range . This can improve the way of data collection .

  21. 第二种是如果传感器节点的部署可以预先决定,那么我们如何用最少的节点来实现完全的覆盖?我们证明这是一个NP完全问题并提出了三种近似算法。

    Two , if sensor deployment can be planned , what is the optimal deployment strategy with guaranteed full coverage with the least number of sensors ? We show that the latter problem is NP-complete and propose three approximation algorithms .

  22. 针对控制器节点采用事件驱动,执行器节点和传感器节点时钟驱动工作方式的一类非线性NCS模型,研究具有连续数据包丢失的网络控制系统的最优控制。

    For a class of nonlinear networked control systems which the sensor node and actuator node is time-driven and controller node is event-driven , study the problem of optimal control for networked control systems with data packet-dropout .

  23. MoteRunner&小名motes,是一个无线传感器节点,可以收集信息并转交回网络,可以连接到任何装备有无线连接感应器硬件。

    Mote Runner nicknamed for motes , wireless sensor nodes that gather information and refer it back to a network can interlink any hardware equipped with wirelessly connected sensors .

  24. 通过调整传感器节点的通信半径,VGSR算法能够在保证网络不失连通性的同时最大限度地降低MAC地址大小。

    By adjusting the communication range of sensor nodes , the VGSR algorithm can minimize the size of the MAC address and meanwhile guarantee the connectivity of the sensor network .

  25. 分析传感器节点的随机部署方式,提出一种基于节点抛撒轨迹的点覆盖轮换调度算法(NCRS)。

    This paper analyzes stochastic deployment of sensor nodes , puts forward a new Node Coverage and Round-robin Schedule ( NCRS ) algorithm based on nodes track .

  26. 分别进行了传感器节点能耗测试、RSSI测试、丢包率测试、定位测试四个试验,并对试验结果进行分析。

    We carried out four tests , including test of energy consumption of sensor node , test of RSSI , the test of packet loss rate and the test of the positioning , and then analysed the four test results .

  27. 无线图像传感器节点与机器视觉应用研究

    Study on Application of Wireless Image Sensor Node and Machine Vision

  28. 无线传感器节点的非同步休眠节能方法

    A Non-synchronization and Energy Efficient Sleeping Method for Wireless Sensor Nodes

  29. 冲击波场无线传感器节点的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Wireless Sensor Node for Shock Wave

  30. 主要包括数据库客户端和传感器节点端两大部分。

    It included a couple of client-end and sensor node-end .