
  • 网络transmission delay;Propagation delay;Transfer Delay
  1. 慢衰落多径信道下DS-CDMA信号传输时延的估计

    Estimation of propagation delay of DS-CDMA signals in slow fading multipath channels

  2. 低轨(lowearthorbit,LEO)卫星通信系统由于具有全球覆盖、低的传输时延等特性成为下一代移动通信网络的重要组成部分。

    Low earth orbit satellite communication systems could play an important role in future mobile communication networks due to their characteristics , such as global coverage and low propagation delay .

  3. 但网络传输时延引起的实时性问题限制了基于Internet远程控制系统的使用范围,成为影响其实用化的关键。

    But the real-time problem caused by the network transmission delay limited the use of the remote control system based on Internet .

  4. 在机器人遥操作系统中,Internet的传输时延始终是系统实现的关键性技术问题,随机的时延将导致系统的不稳定。

    Internet time-delay is the key inherent problem in implementation of an Internet robot control system . Random time delays may cause instability in the system .

  5. 补偿网络传输时延的改进DMC算法

    Improved DMC algorithm for compensating network induced delay

  6. 以Internet为媒介进行控制信息的传送,是远程控制发展的重要趋势,而Internet传输时延的不确定性,使得这样的远程控制信息闭环控制系统难以实现。

    Transmission of control information via Internet is an important trend in remote control , whereas the uncertainty characteristic of the network time-delay brings great difficulties in thus closed-loop remote control system .

  7. 2M电路传输时延对光纤电流差动保护的影响

    The effect of 2 M multiplexing circuit delay on optical fiber current differential protection

  8. 仿真结果表明,与传统方案相比,自适应选择重传方案在高误帧率环境下以较低的误包率、略大的传输时延获得了较高的TCP吞吐量。

    Numerical results demonstrate ASR-ARQ can achieve much lower packet error rate with slightly longer delay and higher TCP throughput than the conventional scheme .

  9. 结果表明,利用RS码强的纠错能力,通过有限次的重传就可获得低的信元丢失率和传输时延。

    It is found that , by restricting numbers of retransmission , low transmission delay and cell loss rate can be obtained .

  10. 在分析了互联网传输时延的组成和特性后,提出了采用AR模型和自适应线性神经网络模型预测不确定性的互联网传输时延的方法。

    After analyzing Internet communication features , the AR model and adaptive linear neural network model are ( adopted ) to predict the uncertain Internet time-delay .

  11. 针对网络编码可以提高网络吞吐率从而降低数据传输时延的特点,提出了一种编码感知增益的低时延路由协议&CGAR(CodingGainAwareRouting)。

    We present a coding gain aware low delay routing ( CGAR ), which is derived from the characteristic of network coding being able to improve network throughput and reduce data transmission delay .

  12. 为了进一步降低以太网平台的传输时延从而改善模拟器的性能,本文还首次提出了基于MAC地址的实时传输协议。

    In order to further strengthen the real-time performance of platform to improve the performance of the simulator , the paper firstly presents a MAC address-based RTTP .

  13. 源端到目的端的往返传输时延将给TCP拥塞控制的稳定性和快速性带来极大的不利。

    The round trip transmitted delay from source to destination has a great adverse effect on the stability and rapidity of the transmission control protocol ( TCP ) congestion control .

  14. 针对无尺度网络平均最短距离小,网络拓扑非同质等特征提出了一种通信感知(trafficawareness)路由算法,该算法降低了端到端的传输时延,大大减轻了网络的拥塞程度。

    Aiming at the small average shortest path and topology non-homogeneity characteristic of scale-free network , we provide a traffic awareness routing algorithm . This routing algorithm can reduce the time delay and mitigate the congestion .

  15. 仿真结果表明,该机制能有效改善降低丢包率(packetlossrate,PLR),实时媒体帧平均传输时延和帧时延抖动等指标和具备传感器节点间的公平特征。

    Simulation results demonstrate that lower Packet Loss Rate ( PLR ), and lower frame delay and jitter with good fairness among sensor nodes can be achieved by our proposed mechanism .

  16. 通过网络层、数据链路层和物理层三层之间的信息共享,实现移动adhoc网络中高投递率、低传输时延的组播路由。

    Through information sharing between network , data link and physical layers , multicast routing with high delivery ratio and very low delay can be realized in mobile ad hoc networks .

  17. 针对所搭建的实验系统,采用模块化结构开发了遥机器人共享控制系统,并用IntelligentCommandBuffer的方法来减小传输时延。

    The shared telerobot control system was developed adopting modularized structure based on the experimental system that has been established and the method of Intelligent Command Buffer is adopted to reduce the communication delay time .

  18. 假定传输时延可以忽略,则采用多包传输的网络控制系统可以描述为一个具有N个事件的异步动态系统,即同时包含连续和离散动态的系统。

    Assuming that the transfer delay is so small that it can be ignored , the networked control system based on multiple-packet transmission is an asynchronous dynamical system with N events , which incorporates continuous and discrete dynamics .

  19. DS-UWB定位系统传输时延估计

    Estimation of Propagation Delay in DS-UWB Location System

  20. 然而,由于传输时延等因素,OFDM子载波之间不可能完全正交,因而相邻频段之间存在邻频干扰。

    However , due to the factors such as transmission delay , OFDM subcarriers cannot be completely orthogonal between each other . Thus , there is interference between adjacent frequency bands .

  21. WSN是面向应用的网络,在具体应用中,需要为突发事件的处理提供支持,减少携带突发事件信息的重要数据在网络中的传输时延。

    WSN is application network , and need support to deal with incident in specific application in order to reduce the delay of important data with incident information .

  22. 传统的仿真是通过上层仿真软件实现的,由于计算机软件与PCI板卡之间数据传输时延较大,所以仿真实时性不好。

    Traditionally , the simulation is realized with top model simulation software . AS the delay between computer software and PCI card , the real-time of the simulation is not good .

  23. 拥塞容易造成传输时延和吞吐量等服务质量(QoS)性能指标下降,严重影响带宽、缓存等网络资源的利用率。

    Congestion often results in decline of quality of service ( QoS ) in terms of transmission delay and throughput , while the network resource utilization like bandwidth and buffers are also affected seriously .

  24. 由于存在传输时延,事件关联区域中有序任务在执行时可能会发生顺序混乱现象。为了提高执行正确率,探讨了SC算法。

    Due to the transmission delay , tasks may be out of order when they are executed . SC method can improve the correct execution rate in dependency regions .

  25. 仿真实验表明,LRA在传输时延、丢包率、网络生存周期和网络可扩展性等方面均优于SAR协议和SPEED协议。

    Simulation experiments show that , level ranking algorithm is better than SAR protocol and SPEED protocol in transmission delay , packet loss rate , network lifetime , and network scalability .

  26. 在CDMA通信系统中,信道参数的估计,特别是信号传输时延的估计是一个重要问题,但是在异步CDMA通信系统中,传输时延和幅度的估计会受到远近效应的影响。

    Channel estimation is very important in CDMA communication systems . However , in asynchronous CDMA communication systems the channel estimation of the multipath signals will be degraded by the near far effect .

  27. 其次,通过对控制网络传输时延的构成分析,指出控制网络系统中网络传输时延和通讯可靠性主要依赖于其数据链路层,尤其是MAC层协议;

    Secondly , by studying the composition of network transmission delay , it concludes that network delay and communication reliability depend mainly on data link layer , especially MAC layer of the protocols .

  28. 本文运用典型的SIP会话环境进行仿真实验,其结果验证了改进算法能够有效地提高性能,缩短消息长度和减小传输时延。

    The simulation experiments are made based on typical SIP session scene . The results of experiment confirm that the improved algorithm can improve performance , shorten message size and reduce transmission delay .

  29. 在固定的系统通信控制模式下,网络传输时延可以建模为一个Markov随机过程,同时通过增广系统状态的方法将原系统转化为一个具有随机跳变参数的广义离散系统。

    It has been proved that the transfer delay can be viewed as a Markov process under certain communication control model . Then , we translate the whole system into a generalized discrete-time system with random jumping parameters .

  30. 该文利用Matlab,仿真分析了在第三代移动通信环境中,功率调整步长、处理和传输时延以及功率控制命令传输误码等因素对反向链路闭环功率控制的影响。

    Using Matlab , this paper simulates and analyzes the effects generated by adjusting step size , processing and transmitting delay , transmitting error of power control commands on the typical close-loop uplink power control in the environment of 3G mobile communication .