
  • 网络investment distribution
  1. 最后鉴于FDI在我国地域分布极度不均衡的现实情况,提出了若干政策建议以期改善目前的外商直接投资布局。

    In the end , in view of the unbalanced FDI distribution in our country , several suggestions have been made to improve the situation .

  2. 香港银行在中国内地投资布局研究

    A Study on the Location Layout in Mainland of Hong Kong Owned Banks

  3. 联合国贸发会说,经济和金融危机改变了全球外国直接投资布局。

    UNCTAD says the crisis has changed , what it calls , the " FDI landscape " .

  4. 在这一框架中,研究、确定了公共财政对林业的投入范围、投入重点、政策扶持、投入级次以及投资布局;

    In this system , it defined scope , stress , supporting policy , grade of input into forestry guaranteed by public finance as well as investment layout .

  5. 永大电梯相关负责人表示,此次在津建立新厂,将不仅提升永大电梯的产能,也使永大在大陆的投资布局更趋完善。

    Manager of YUNGTAY Elevator expressed that , the new factory in Tianjin will improve the yielding of elevators , as well as improve the investing structure in mainland of YUNGTAY .

  6. 在新的千禧之年到来之际,处于重大转折时期的世界经济正在经历市场格局、体制、产业结构、贸易和投资布局等方面的深刻变革。

    The Purpose of The Dissertation With the coming of the new century , the world economy is at its turning point , as the market , mechanism , industrial structure , trade and investment pattern are all in great change .

  7. 尤其是一些大型跨国公司对华投资战略布局的调整,其独资化发展倾向愈加明显。

    In particular , some adjustment of the strategic layout of large multinational companies investing in China , its sole proprietorship tendency is increasingly obvious .

  8. 某水利水电枢纽工程观测设计采用集控式自动化观测系统和人工监测相结合,具有节约投资、布局合理、安全可靠等优点。

    The principle of dam observation is as follows : automation control with artifical monitor , economize investment , rationally distributed , safe and reliability .

  9. 在第三章分析了我国国际直接投资区域布局的现状,指出存在的问题,并做了原因分析。

    In ChapterIII , analyze the current situation of the regional distribution of FDI of our country , point out the existing problem , and has done reason analysis .

  10. 容积率的确定要考虑城市的合理规模、基础设施的投资和布局、土地的适用性以及土地市场等问题。

    The determination of plot ratio has to take into consideration the reasonable urban scale , investments and distribution of infrastructural facilities , the appropriateness of landuse and the existance of markets and such problems .

  11. 本文力图在下述两方面有所创新:首先,借鉴国内外相关理论,分别从微观和宏观层面来分析国际直接投资区域布局的决定机制,从而为本文奠定理论基石。

    This paper effort to innovation on the two aspects : firstly , refer the theory of respectively from microscopic and macroscopic angle , analysis the mechanism of the regional distribution of FDI , Thereby it format the theoretical base of this paper ;

  12. 日本对华直接投资的行业布局及对策研究

    Industrial Distribution and Optimization of Japan 's Direct Investment in China

  13. 负荷预测的准确程度将直接影响到投资、网络布局和运行的合理性。

    Exact degree of load forecasting shall directly affect rationality of investment , network layout and running .

  14. 总之,国际直接投资的区域布局对整个世界(全球)的资源配置和地区结构产生了不可替代的影响。

    To sum up , the regional distribution of FDI has an important effect on the international resource distribution and regional structure .

  15. 杭州外商投资发展与空间布局研究

    Study on Development and Spatial Distribution of Hangzhou 's Foreign Direct Investment

  16. 同时,由于我国相当多的上市公司和行业龙头企业都诞生于计划经济时代,投资重复和产业布局、行业结构不合理等问题,限制了这些优势企业的扩张空间。

    Furthermore , among quite a few companies and leading corporations born in the planned economy era , there exist many problems , for example , repeated investment , improper industry composition and structure , which restrict these superior companies to expand .

  17. 这种结构的形成一定程度上是由本身的资源禀赋决定的,但与工业经济的投资规划与总体布局有着密不可分的关系,这种结构失调严重制约了工业经济的发展。

    This has been that the gift decides from self-resource on architectural certain formation degree , relation , this structural imbalance having interwovenness with industry economy investment plan and entire allocation have restricted but industry development of the economy gravely . 1 .

  18. 投资市场、投资规模、投资项目布局的确定等,并对每一影响因素进行了较为详尽的分析。

    Investment market , investment scale , the choice of the investment item layout and each affecting factor is analyzed in detail .

  19. 同时,入世后跨国公司也纷纷调整了在华的投资战略,实施了在华投资战略性布局和全方位投资扩张新战略,使外商直接投资呈现新的态势。

    At the same time , after Chinese accession to the WTO , MNCs have adjusted investment strategy in China , with carrying out strategic investment distribution and omnidirectional expanded investment .

  20. 引导韩国企业依据西部大开发的政策导向进行投资,改变韩国企业在华的投资布局、投资行业过于集中的现象,以利于形成区域经济协调发展的联动局面;

    Under the guidance of policy of western development , South Korean enterprises should be inducted to carry out investments so that the structure of their traditional investments and centralized phenomenon can be changed .

  21. 经济下滑不仅破坏了国际投资流量的增长,也影响了外国直接投资的地域布局和跨国公司全球运作的基础。

    The economic downturn has not only disrupted the growth of international investment flows , but also affected the fundamentals of the location determinants of FDI and the global operation of TNCs .

  22. 出口与对外直接投资存在结构性差异,即出口与对外直接投资企业在产业布局与产业链分工上存在明显差异。

    Namely , exports and foreign direct investment enterprises in the industrial distribution division of labor and industry chain have significant difference .

  23. 本文从外商直接投资分布的动态演化角度,重点探讨了集聚效应以及路径依赖作用对于其投资布局的影响。

    From the point of dynamic evolution , our research mainly discusses the influence of agglomeration and path dependency effects on the distribution of foreign direct investment .