
  1. 本文提出了以极大化证券组合的投资收益率为目标的分式线性规划模型。

    In this paper a fractional linear programming model with maximizing the rate of return on a portfolio as its objective is presented .

  2. 最后,建立了股份制配送中心采用以投资收益率为目标函数的非线性规划模型,可以比较公平地平衡了各零售商股东的收益。

    Finally non-linear programming model which has object function as investment yield is established in stock distribution center , so that every retailer stockholder 's yield is balanced more fairly .

  3. 最后,本文结合我国现有金融体制,以案例的形式讨论了以现金投资收益最大化为目标的现金管理,对现金流预测、现金归集和现金投资管理等方面内容进行了讨论。

    Finally , linking with the finance system of China , the author introduces a live case to discuss the investment-income-maximum orientation cash management , which consists of cash stream forecast , cash collection and investing idle cash .

  4. 众多学者的研究表明,资产配置在投资收益的取得上发挥着巨大的作用,因此明确企业年金的投资收益目标,确定企业年金的资产配置战略,有着非常重要的现实意义。

    Many scholars ' research shows that asset allocation plays a significant role in acquisition return . Therefore , knowing both the return target of occupational pension and determine the asset allocation have a huge practical significance .

  5. 产权投资是一种以产权为对象的投资活动,通过买卖产权来获得投资收益,而对于目标企业的价值评估是其中的核心问题。

    Property investment is an investment activity regarding property right and the investment revenue is subject to the sale of property , the value assessment of the property investment is a major problem .