
  • 网络investment prospectus
  1. 撰写各类商业文件,如投资计划书,项目建议书,市场可行性报告等;

    Composing relevant business articles , such as business plan , market feasibility report , etc.

  2. 风险投资商业计划书及其编制的研究

    Research of Business Plan and its redaction

  3. 一般来讲,风险投资商业计划书的内容包括六大部分:计划摘要,产品项目,技术来源及研究发展,市场分析,财务规划,经营团队。

    Generally speaking , Business Plan of venture enterprise includes six sections : abstract of the plan , product introduction , origin and developing potential of the technology , marketplace analysis , finance plan , and management team .

  4. 多数贷款人,当然还有天使投资人或风险资本家等专业投资者都希望在投资之前看到商业计划书。

    Most lenders , and certainly any professional investor such as an angel or venture capitalist , will expect to see a business plan before giving you money .

  5. 最后,在理论研究的基础上,阐述了作者实际参与的一个高新技术成果转化风险投资融资阶段商业计划书写作实践。

    At last , on the basis of theory analysis , it talks of the writer 's practice in writing business plan which is the first step of financing in the way of using venture capital in high-tech achievements transformation .