
tóu lán dé fēn
  • make the basket;make the hoop;score a basket;basket
  1. MVH的选拔现正开始。现已轮到你上场了,在指定时间里投篮得分最高的就可以成为下一人的MVH。

    Selection trials for the Most Valuable Hoopstar MVH are on and you are up , one on one with the basket in a time trial to score as many points to be the next Most Valuable Hoopstar .

  2. 他非常擅于外围投篮得分。

    He is very good at making points from the outside .

  3. 他在比赛最后几秒钟投篮得分。

    He shot the ball in the final seconds of the game .

  4. 姚明第一次投篮得分!

    There 's Yao Ming with his first field goal !

  5. 迈克尔。乔丹在对手贴身的情况下依然可以投篮得分。

    Michael Jordan can aim accurately even though his opponents adjoins him closely .

  6. 老虎队最后一次投篮得分时,比赛也接近尾声了。

    The match was almost finished when the Tigers scored their last basket .

  7. 哈登的调整投篮得分习惯是他比赛的关键。

    Harden 's analytically correct shot diet is the key to his game .

  8. 他抢得篮板球,投篮得分。

    He seized the rebounds and sank the basket .

  9. 2分投篮得分情况统计表,北京队与厦门、山西队比赛时,得分情况差异不显著。

    Two points score , statistics , Beijing and xiamen , shanxi , score difference was not significant .

  10. 定位掩护以及行进间掩护。篮球运动中的投篮得分。

    Stationary screen and moving screen . a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop .

  11. 北京队与赛队罚球投篮得分情况统计表,北京队与广厦队、广东队比赛时,罚球得分未表现出显著的差异。

    Beijing team free throw shooting scores and statistics , Beijing and guangsha , guangdong , free-throw scores showed no significant difference .

  12. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。篮球运动中的投篮得分。

    Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise . a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop .

  13. 在篮球防守中,掩护配合是重新控制球投篮得分的重要手段。

    In the defending stage of a basketball game , the screen defence is an important way to regain control of the ball and score .

  14. 利用他的臂展和预判,很好地在外线投篮得分……良好的地位对抗的感觉。

    Does a good job of contesting shots on the perimeter , utilizing his length and anticipation ... Good feel for playing in the post .

  15. 篮球运动是一项以投篮得分为目的,攻防快速多变的速度力量型、对抗性体能&技能类项目。

    Basketball is a score to shoot for the purpose of changing the speed of attack and defense strength of fast type , confrontational physical skills class project .

  16. 我参加了在吴起镇3个球场之一举行的篮球赛。篮球运动中的投篮得分。

    I took part in a basketball game on one of Wu Chi 's three courts . a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop .

  17. 他们还放了一些姚明转身之后大力灌篮的片段。篮球运动中的投篮得分。

    But they also showed a few times Yao 's spin move followed by an emphatic one-handed dunk . a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop .

  18. 北京队命中率高于广东队,表现出显著性的差异。3分球投篮得分情况统计,北京队与广厦队比赛时,投篮次数少于广厦队,表现出显著性的差异。

    Beijing hit rate is higher than guangdong , show the significant differences.3-pointer shooting scores statistics , Beijing ducks with guangsha game , shooting number less than guangsha , showing significant differences .

  19. [研究结论]1.在进攻技术方面,中国队后卫和中锋队员在投篮得分方面比较占优势,但中国队各位置队员冲抢进攻篮板球不如日本队各位置球员。

    In the attack technology , the Chinese team defender and center field goal more players in the ascendant , but China each position players for the offensive rebounds as the Japanese team at each position .

  20. 乔丹准备,投篮,得分!

    Jordan a drive , hangs , fires , scores !

  21. 随着年龄的不断增长,每个喜欢打篮球的人都曾经或正在梦想着像科比一样投篮、得分。

    Growing up , everyone wanted to shoot and score like Kobe Bryant .

  22. 而且,勇士让杜兰特更多地利用篮球场上最有效率的两种投篮方式得分——底角三分和扣篮。

    What 's more , the Warriors are getting Durant the two most efficient shots on the court - corner 3-pointers and dunks .

  23. 摘要篮球比赛中,投篮是得分的重要手段,也是篮球技术的核心技术,较高的投篮命中率是取得比赛胜利的重要保证。

    In the basketball game , shooting the ball is the important means to get a goal , which is also a core technique within the basketball tournament ; the higher hit rate guarantee the triumph of the match .

  24. 篮球比赛中,投篮是得分的重要手段,也是篮球竞技中的核心技术,又是实现篮球比赛最终目的的关键。

    In basketball game , ball-shooting is the important means to get a goal , which is also a core technique within the basketball tournament , and it is also a key to realize the ultimate goal of the basketball game .

  25. 需要继续提高他的1对1技巧和能力增加运球,以提高他的投篮和得分能力……必须继续打磨他对比赛的感觉……有很好的臂展,但是6尺8寸在前锋位置有点小……

    Needs to continue to improve his 1-on-1 skills and ability to create off the dribble , in order to enhance his shooting and scoring ability ... Must continue to polish his feel for the game ... Has a good wingspan , but at 6-8 is a bit small at the power forward position ...

  26. 在世界大赛中各队伍的平均每场投篮次数和得分能力是在逐渐提高的,这就充分体现了运动员的攻防能力和攻防意识都在显著进步的发展趋势。

    Competition in the ranks of the world average number of shots per game and scoring ability is gradually increasing . This fully reflects the offensive and defensive players and offensive and defensive awareness are significant progress .

  27. 但我想如果有更多的外线投篮,轻松得分,这样打长远是有好处的,也是我们努力的方向。

    But I think the more opportunities you get to push the ball and get an easy basket here or there just helps you in the long run . It 's something that we have to keep working at .

  28. 厂家们高兴地教育消费者应该如何投篮,消费者则积极奔跑,投篮得分

    Manufactures are glad to teach consumers how to shoot while consumers are enthusiasm to score by sinking a shot

  29. Cue在进行了约20万次投篮练习后,已经学会了使用人工智能来投篮得分。

    It has learned to score hoops using artificial intelligence , having thrown some 200000 practice shots .

  30. 我还是想说一些防守好的球队是不会让他投篮的。火箭的其他队员有责任站起来,投中空位投篮,突破得分。

    I still say some of the good defensive teams will not allow him to shoot and other Rockets will be forced to step up and hit open shots or slash to the basket and finish .