
  • 网络investment rating;Stock rating
  1. 公司未来业绩增长可能主要围绕主业发展,投资收益同期相比可能下滑,给予“中性”投资评级。

    The company 's future performance , growth is likely to focus on the development of major industries , investment income may decline over the same period , to " neutral " investment rating .

  2. 本文发现明星分析师投资评级对市场的影响是非对称的。

    This paper finds that star analysts ' investment recommendation influence the market asymmetrically .

  3. 标准普尔表示,他们将在五月中旬决定是否调低丰田的投资评级。

    S & P said it expects to decide by mid-May whether to downgrade Toyota .

  4. 本周,西班牙,葡萄牙和希腊的投资评级下降。

    The investment ratings for Spain , Portugal and Greece all went down this week .

  5. 投资评级发布日的机构投资者行为与证券的异常收益&来自上海证券市场的证据

    Institutional Investors ' Behavior and Abnormal Returns around the Analysts ' Stock Recommendation Release Events : Evidence from Shanghai Stock Exchange

  6. 丰田的供应商电装、爱信和丰田工业公司也被警告,他们将被调低投资评级。

    Toyota group suppliers Denso , Aisin and Toyota Industries also were put on notice of a downgrade in their investment grade bond ratings .

  7. 分析师的作用类似于信息中介,通过各种途径搜集、分析公司信息,并以盈利预测、投资评级等方式将信息传递给投资者。

    Security analysts act as information intermediary as they collect and analyze company information and release the information via earnings forecasts and investment recommendations .

  8. 前天,鉴于市政府在现金上捉襟见肘,穆迪投资评级机构将底特律所欠的25亿美元降级处理。

    The day before , Moody 's had downgraded more than $ 2.5 billion of the city 's debt , citing its lack of cash .

  9. 没错,俄罗斯政府和公司实际上已被排除在金融市场之外,但失去投资评级也会增加偿还现有债务的成本。

    It is true that the Russian government and companies are indeed cut off from the financial markets , but losing the investment grade increases the cost of servicing existing debt as well .

  10. 债信评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)将其对通用汽车的信用评级前景从稳定调降为负面,并表示通用当前的投资级评级“岌岌可危”。

    Standard Poor 's rating agency revised its outlook for GM 's credit from stable to negative , and said the present investment-grade rating was " tenuous " .

  11. 穆迪(Moody's)将日本的信用评级下调一级,降至A1级,这一级别在投资级评级里只排第五。此举令日元兑美元汇率跌至新的七年内最低点。

    Moody 's has cut Japan 's credit rating one notch to A1 – only the fifth-best investment grade - sending the yen to a new seven year low against the dollar .

  12. 表面上看,来宝集团似乎已采取足够行动维持其投资级评级。该集团本月达成协议,将其在一家农业交易合资企业的剩余股份转让给中国的中粮集团(Cofco),筹集7.5亿美元资金。

    Noble appeared to have done enough to retain an investment grade rating when it reached an agreement this month to raise $ 750m from the sale of its remaining stake in an agricultural trading joint venture to Cofco of China .

  13. 虚弱的福特也在苦苦挣扎,他的股票最近才重新获得投资信誉评级。

    A weakened Ford struggled , too , only recently regaining investment-grade rating for its securities .

  14. 但该交易也存在成本问题:尽管中石化可用其自由现金流覆盖收购成本,但新奥面临失去其投资级评级的风险。

    But there are costs : while Sinopec can cover its stake out of free cash flow , ENN risks losing its investment grade rating .

  15. 上周,普京在推出俄罗斯各地区投资环境评级时表示,这项调查将成为推动切实改变的工具。

    Introducing a rating that ranks the investment environment for Russian regions last week , Mr Putin said the survey would become a tool for real change .

  16. 其它机构则表示,在拥有价值下降的明确证据之前,例如投资信贷评级的下调,它们无须将亏损入账。

    Others say they need not reflect a loss until there is compelling evidence of a decline in value , such as a downgrade of the investments ' credit rating .

  17. 美国还有9个等级才会丧失投资级别的评级。

    There are nine notches to go before the US would lose investment grade status .

  18. 在这一点上,美国财政部、各大投资机构和评级机构绝对存在共识。

    It is firmly in the consensus of the US Treasury , major investors and rating agencies .

  19. 本文将主要研究如何将支持向量机方法应用于证券投资基金的评级。

    This paper will study how to use the SVM applied to the Research of Investing Fund Evaluation .

  20. 它们给予许多次级抵押贷款支持证券的“投资级”评级,是当前这场金融危机的主要诱因。

    Their investment grade ratings of many subprime mortgage-backed securities were a primary cause of the current financial crisis .

  21. 这三大信用评级公司主要包括标准普尔,穆迪投资和芬奇评级。

    The " big three " are Standard 's & Poor 's , Moody 's Investor Services and Fitch Ratings .

  22. 企业债券市场更多的是通过企业自身主动的信息披露机制以及投资银行、评级机构等信息服务机构挖掘企业公开信息。

    Corporate bond prefer to get corporate public information by using corporate self-disclosure mechanism , investment bank and rating institute etc. .

  23. 其中包括2005年美国汽车制造商失去“投资级”评级时,华尔街的交易账户受到的影响。

    These include the effect on Wall Street trading books in 2005 when US carmakers lost their investment grade rating status .

  24. 私人部门发行的高收益率债券或垃圾债券的遭际,比国有企业债券更为悲惨后者往往拥有投资级信用评级。

    High-yield or junk-rated bonds from the private sector have suffered worse than those issued by state-owned enterprises , which tend to have investment-grade credit ratings .

  25. 菲亚特的股价在最近几天一直承受压力。之前,该公司一名重要高管突然离职,还有消息称,菲亚特可能会失去投资级的评级。

    The stock has been under pressure in recent days after the abrupt departure of a key executive and news that the company might lose its investment-grade rating .

  26. 这意味着,这些债务衍生产品的交易价格,已与通常情况下信用评级接近垃圾级公司的有关产品持平&尽管投资银行的评级更为安全。

    The rise means the debt derivatives are trading at levels normally associated with companies holding credit ratings close to junk – even though investment banks ' ratings are more secure .

  27. 这些抵押贷款都具有高信用评级,贷款额与抵押物价值之比较低,实际上整个投资组合的信用评级都是AAA级。

    The mortgage holdings are in high-credit-score , low loan-to-value programmes , and virtually the entire investment portfolio is AAA rated .

  28. 周三,标普(Standard&Poor's)把巴西宝贵的“投资级”信用评级调降为“垃圾级”,并警告未来几个月可能会再次调降。这是巴西总统迪尔玛圠广夫(DilmaRousseff)领导的政府遭到的一次沉重打击。

    Standard & Poor 's cut Brazil 's prized investment grade credit rating to junk on Wednesday and warned that it could lower it again in the coming months , in a major blow to President Dilma Rousseff 's government .

  29. 一个投资级别的信用评级应表明,一笔债券不太可能出现违约。

    An investment grade rating should indicate that a bond is unlikely to default .

  30. 十年前,它们当中只有一个国家具备投资级的信用评级;如今四国都有。

    A decade ago , only one had an investment-grade credit rating ; now all do .