
jīn kù
  • treasury;coffers;national treasury;exchequer;chest
金库 [jīn kù]
  • [exchequer;treasury] 保管、出纳国家资金的机关

金库[jīn kù]
  1. 为了获得具有综合抗暴力破坏特性的新型金库增强材料,进行了基体化学成分的设计,采用铸造法制作了碳化钨颗粒WCp/CrNi钢基局部增强复合材料。

    To obtain a new kind of national treasury reinforced material , with comprehensive violence destruction properties , we prepared the WC P reinforced Cr Ni Steel matrix composite by means of casting , which based on the design of the chemical composition of the matrix .

  2. 关于我国金库理论及其体制改革问题的再探

    Further Research on National Treasury Theory and System Reforms in China

  3. 到目前为止,找回来的金子都保存在一个秘密地点的金库中。

    The gold recovered so far is being held in a vault at a secret location .

  4. 那伙匪徒为打开金库用氧乙炔炬干了长达10个小时。

    The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault .

  5. 防范最严密的金库在门上设有魔法

    The high security vaults have enchantments placed on their doors .

  6. 银行家表示,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)正在考虑修建一座新金库。

    Deutsche Bank is mulling a new vault , bankers said .

  7. 在英格兰银行(BankofEngland,位于英国伦敦市针线街)的地下金库里,工人们正在往卡车上搬运黄金。

    In the vaults of the Bank of England ( Threadneedle Street , London ) , men are piling gold on a truck .

  8. 根据国际清算银行(BankforInternationalSettlements),去年瑞典银行金库大约存着36亿瑞典克朗的纸币和硬币,而2010年有87亿。

    Last year , Swedish bank vaults held around 3.6 billion kronor in notes and coins , down from 8.7 billion in 2010 , according to the Bank for International Settlements .

  9. 它就是炸鸡界的诺克斯堡(FortKnox,美国国家金库所在地。——译注)。

    It is the Fort Knox of fried chicken .

  10. 而反过来,福特公司(Ford)的生产线每一辆新车下线,又是否会改变英格兰银行地下金库中那些重量不差毫分的金条的价值?

    Conversely , will every new Ford which rolls from the line change the value of those so-accurately weighed bars under Threadneedle Street ?

  11. 政府雇佣黑客成功破解圣贝纳迪诺案件杀手的iPhone数据的案例,警醒我们,手机和其他电子设备并不像银行金库那样安全可靠,牢不可破。

    The government hack of an iPhone used by a San Bernardino killer serves as a reminder that phones and other electronic devices aren 't impenetrable vaults .

  12. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)最近在新加坡开设了一座新金库,瑞士安保公司&ViaMatInternational则刚刚在伦敦西部开设一座银保险库。

    JPMorgan recently opened a new gold vault in Singapore and Via Mat International , the Swiss-based security company , has just opened a silver safe warehouse in west London .

  13. 根据ABC银行改革实施情况,由ABC银行提供各种数据,运用层次分析法选出最佳银行金库地址。

    According to the implementation condition of reform of ABC bank and data provided by it , select the best bank treasury location by using Analytic Hierarchy Process .

  14. 目前,中小企业和一些相对大型的公司在考虑建设电子金库,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)数据中心转型解决方案全球总监约翰•班尼特(JohnBennett)表示。

    SMEs and some larger companies are looking at electronic vaulting , says John Bennett , worldwide director for data centre transformation solutions at Hewlett-Packard .

  15. 针对中国的现实环境提出了利用EVA激励机制设定目标奖金、建立奖金库、建立仿真股票等解决所有者与经营者利益冲突方面的有效措施。

    At last , some effective measures are put forward such as establishing object prize , prize databases and emulation stock in order to eliminate the conflict between the owner and the operator .

  16. 香港政府去年建立了一个戒备森严的金库,使得海外投资者可以在港储存黄金,同时一家称为香港商品交易所(hongkongmercantileexchange)的公司正准备推出黄金期货。

    The Hong Kong government last year set up a high-security gold vault , allowing overseas investors to store their gold in the city , while a company called the Hong Kong mercantile exchange is preparing to launch gold futures .

  17. 欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)仍在成形之中,但以它目前的形式来看,这个新的共同金库只是一个资金来源。

    The European financial stabilisation facility ( EFSF ) is still being formed but in its present form the new common Treasury is only a source of funds .

  18. 讽刺的注脚&多余的苹果角度:三星向美国广播公司支付的数百万美元进入了沃尔特•迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.)的金库,而迪士尼的最大股东是劳伦娜•鲍威尔•乔布斯。

    IRONIC FOOTNOTE & AND GRATUITOUS APPLE ( AAPL ) ANGLE : The millions Samsung paid ABC goes into the coffers of the Walt Disney Co. ( DIS ), whose largest shareholder is Laurene Powell Jobs .

  19. 讽刺的注脚——多余的苹果角度:三星向美国广播公司支付的数百万美元进入了沃尔特•迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCo.)的金库,而迪士尼的最大股东是劳伦娜•鲍威尔•乔布斯。

    IRONIC FOOTNOTE -- AND GRATUITOUS APPLE ( AAPL ) ANGLE : The millions Samsung paid ABC goes into the coffers of the Walt Disney Co. ( DIS ) , whose largest shareholder is Laurene Powell Jobs .

  20. 苏富比说,拍卖收益将被用于支付遗产税,填充陶布曼私人基金会的金库。该基金会已经是密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)等机构的主要捐助者。

    Sotheby 's said the proceeds from the sales will be used to settle estate taxes and to fund Mr. Taubman 's private foundation , filling the coffers of an organization that is already a major donor to the University of Michigan and other institutions .

  21. 世界银行管理委员会(WODEBAKE)下设指挥中心大系统小系统世界各大金库的仓库保管员,资金保管员和资产监督人员。

    Command centers established under WODE BAKE – major system – minor system – storage keeper of every world gold storage , fund keeper and capital supervisor .

  22. 文中提出了一种基于控制数据库运行参数和数据库设计元素的版本控制策略,针对国家金库会计核算系统,给出了基于Sybase数据库的版本控制实现方法。

    By ensuring parameter and elementary of database , the design of edition control is given . To the Treasury Bursar System , the realization of edition control based on Sybase is also given .

  23. 在21世纪版本的《雌雄大盗》(BonnieandClyde)里,这时候应该会有阴森可怖的音乐响起,银行家担心盗贼们用一把神奇钥匙打开门进入金库。

    In a 21st-century version of Bonnie and Clyde , this would be the moment when spooky music starts to play and bankers fear that robbers are in the vaults with a magic key capable of unpicking their locks .

  24. “小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。

    The " departmental coffer " is a hotbed of corruption .

  25. 财务管理人将财宝转移到公司的金库里。

    The treasurer transformed the treasures into the company 's treasury .

  26. 利用模糊金库算法改进指纹密钥的设计

    Improvement of the Designing of Fingerprint Key by Fuzzy Vault Algorithm

  27. 他怎么从他的金库里取钱的?

    How did he get the money out of his vault ?

  28. 她将珠宝放在银行的金库里。

    She put her jewels in a vault at the bank .

  29. 小金库一词源于民间。

    The word private coffer stems from the folk society .

  30. 浅议单位存在小金库的危害性及审计技巧

    Jeopardize of " Small State Treasury " for Units and Auditing Skills