
  1. 各向同性等离子体层压应力对各向同性细颗粒石墨热膨胀系数的影响

    Effects of Compressive Stresses on Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Fine-Grained Isotropic Graphite

  2. IG-110细颗粒石墨的超声探伤

    Ultrasonic inspection of IG-110 graphite for HTGR

  3. 细颗粒石墨材料的试制研究

    Study on producing fine structure graphite material

  4. 对国产细颗粒石墨和粗颗粒石墨在室温、400℃空气和氦气中的摩擦性能进行了试验。

    : Large grain and fine grain graphite made in China are tested at room temperature and 400 ℃ , under air and helium separately .

  5. 结果表明:化学气相沉积炭,尤其是在高温沉积情况下,可明显提高细颗粒石墨材料的氧化性能,但对于粗颗粒石墨氧化性能的影响较小。

    The results show that the chemical vapor deposited carbon can apparently improve the oxidation property of fine grain graphite , especially for high temperature deposition .

  6. 400℃氦气下,粗颗粒石墨的摩擦系数比室温空气下的摩擦系数小,细颗粒石墨的摩擦系数比室温空气下的摩擦系数大。

    At 400 ℃ , helium condition , the friction coefficient of large grain graphite is greater than at room temperature , air condition . But for fine grain graphite is reverse condition .

  7. 以硼酸和碳化硅加硼酸为主的熔合防氧化剂涂敷在细颗粒石墨和两种C/C复合为基体的材料上。

    Frit type antioxidants , whose major components were boron dioxide and boron dioxide plus silicon carbide were coated on a fine grained graphite and two types of C / C composite as substrates .

  8. 实验结果表明,石墨混凝土中电导率存在不均匀性,其中粗颗粒石墨混凝土比细颗粒石墨混凝土具有更好的导电性能,其值约0.8S/cm,表现出较好的性能一致性,为工程应用提供了条件。

    The experimental result shows that asymmetry exists in conductance of graphite concrete . Coarse graphite concrete conduces a better conductance than fine graphite concrete , the conductance is about 0.8S / cm , puts up a good consistence of conductance , and offers a condition for engineering application .

  9. 利用电刷镀技术制备了含SiO2纳米颗粒和石墨粉的非晶态NiP合金复合镀层,并对其摩擦磨损性能进行了研究。

    In the paper , Ni P alloy composite coating containing nano SiO 2 and graphite powders were prepared by electro brush plating . The friction and wear behavior were studied .

  10. 颗粒膨胀石墨在干电池中的应用研究

    Studies on applications of grain expansion graphite in dry battery

  11. 结果表明,多向多次压缩变形时,石墨球在不同方向的应力作用下被剪切为小的石墨颗粒,大部分石墨球得到细化。

    The results show that the graphite spheres are sheared into fine graphite particles during repeated deformation under different stress directions .

  12. 使用电磁机械复合搅拌技术制备了铜石墨半固态浆料,得到了半固态浆料的固相率与搅拌温度之间的关系,并确定了消除石墨颗粒在QTi3.5&3.5石墨复合材料中宏观偏析的条件。

    The semisolid Cu-graphite slurry was gained by the method of electromagnetic-mechanical stirring . The relationship between solid fraction and stirring temperature were got . The conditions for eliminating macro-segregation were obtained . 2 .

  13. 热解炭按粒径存在一定的分布,热解炭颗粒越小,石墨质C含量越低;

    The PCB was sieved , and the smaller the PCB particle diameter , the lower the content of graphitic C.

  14. 该材料呈现出Si颗粒均匀分散于石墨烯片中的状态,其中石墨烯与纳米Si通过苯基发生了连接。

    In this material , nano-Si particles were dispersed in graphene sheets uniformly , in which nano-silicon and graphene were connected by Ph-functional group .

  15. 选用SiC颗粒和鳞片状石墨作为增强体,采用挤压铸造法制备SiCp+Gr/2024Al复合材料,在保证材料力学性能的前提下改善材料的加工性能。

    SiCp / Gr / 2024Al composite reinforced by SiC and graphite particle was fabricated by squeeze casting technology , in order to overcome the difficulties in machining processing and keep desired mechanical properties .

  16. 在相同工艺条件下,采用细颗粒配料方式的石墨力学性能更好;

    The mixing techniques of small grain are related to the quality of a fine grain graphite .

  17. 金刚石工具中存在的把持力不足、颗粒脱落、氧化石墨化等问题,严重影响了工具的使用寿命和效率。

    There are many problems in manufacturing diamond tools , such as lack retention , grain shedding , oxidation and graphitization etc. , which affect the working life and efficiency of the tools .

  18. 焦炭颗粒是生产碳石墨制品的主要原料,它的粒度组成、分布及其微观结构不仅对碳石墨制品的机械性能和理化性能有一定的影响,而且还直接影响到各生产工序的成品率。

    Coke particles are main raw materials for carbon graphite products . Its grain size composition and distribution , and microstructure have an effect on mechanical , physical and chemical properties for carbon graphite products and finished product ratio in manufacture of carbon graphite products .

  19. 纳米金刚石的合成受到碳颗粒大小和相结构的影响:石墨颗粒大小影响较大,颗粒细小的微晶石墨比颗粒较大的鳞片石墨更容易合成纳米金刚石;

    The particle size and phase structure of the carbon particles can influence the synthesis result : the size of graphite particle was important , thus microcrystalline graphite with smaller particles was better than flake graphite ;