
  • 网络Granular material
  1. 本文针对颗粒材料具有良好的缓冲耗能特性,对其在外载荷冲击下的缓冲性能进行了系统的试验测试与离散元模拟。

    Based on fine buffer and dissipation characteristics of granular material , its buffering performances under the impact load is tested systematically and simulated by discrete element method .

  2. 依此,本文的主要研究工作如下:第一,本文从颗粒材料应变局部化的数值模拟方面入手,全面分析了应变局部化过程及其影响因素。

    According to this , the main works and results are as follows : First , the process of strain localization for granular material and its influencing factors were comprehensively analyzed by using numerical simulation .

  3. CT技术在沥青胶结颗粒材料内部结构分析中的应用

    Application of X-ray Computerized Tomography in Analysis of Inner Structure of Asphalt Mix

  4. 纳米晶Fe(85)Si1Al6Cr8片状颗粒材料微波吸收特性

    Microwave absorbing capability of nanocrystalline flakes of Fe_ ( 85 ) Si_1Al_6Cr_8

  5. 火焰CVD法制备纳米TiO2颗粒材料的尺寸特征

    Size Characteristics of TiO_2 Nano-particles by Propane / Air flame CVD Method

  6. 无机颗粒材料的液相合成与形貌控制液相合成不同形貌的Cu2O微晶

    The Solution-Based Synthesis and Morphology Control of Inorganic Particle Materials ; Solution-phase Synthesis of Cu_2O Microcrystals with Different Morphologies

  7. 矿物负载纳米TiO2颗粒材料对造纸废水的处理

    Treatment of Paper-mill Wastewater with Mineral Supported Nanometer Titanium Dioxide Granulated Material

  8. 改性天然高分子与无机高分子复配絮凝剂PMC的研制这些材料包括颗粒材料、水溶性改性天然高分子和水溶性合成高分子材料。

    Preparation of modified natural polymer and inorganic polymer composite flocculant PMC These materials include particulates , water-soluble modified natural polymer and water-soluble synthesized polymer .

  9. 接下来几天内,他们观察到细胞沿着PLGA颗粒材料生长并深入到原来的脑组织中,与大脑沟通了起来。

    Over the next few days they could see the cells migrating along the scaffolding made by the PLGA particles and forming into primitive brain tissue that interacts with the host brain .

  10. 非均匀颗粒材料的类固-液相变行为及本构方程

    The quasi-solid-liquid phase transition of non-uniform granular materials and their constitutive equation

  11. 颗粒材料平均场理论的多尺度方法:理论方面

    Multiscale method of granular materials based on average-field theory : theoretical aspects

  12. 基于细观弹性接触的多相颗粒材料本构模型

    A Constitutive Relation for Multi-Component Granular Materials Based on Elastic Micro contact

  13. 重力场中颗粒材料的分层规律

    The rule of stratification of particles in gravitational field

  14. 柱状单颗粒材料冲击粉碎研究

    A Study of Impact Crushing of Column-like Single Particles

  15. 聚类的粒度分析颗粒材料中致密波结构研究

    Study of Granular Analysis in Clustering AN ANALYSIS OF COMPACTION WAVE IN GRANULAR MATERIAL

  16. 复合蒙脱石颗粒材料的制备及处理电镀工业废水的研究

    Study on Preparation of Granulated Composite Materials of Montmorillonite for Treatment of Electroplating Industrial Wastewater

  17. 碳包覆铁纳米颗粒材料的合成及其结构的研究

    Preparation and Structure of Carbon-Encapsulated Iron Nanoparticles

  18. 用大尺寸粉末颗粒材料制备PM&SiCp/LY12及其超塑性研究

    Fabrication and Superplasticity Research on PM & SiC_p / LY12 Composites from Larger Size Powder Materials

  19. 无机或有机颗粒材料通常与水溶性天然或合成高分子材料复合应用。

    Inorganic or organic particulate materials are usually used with water-soluble natural or synthesized polymer materials .

  20. 三种PET/纳米颗粒材料的典型物理性能及混料装置设计

    The Typical Physical Properties of Three Nano-particles Filled PET Composites and the Design of Blending Device

  21. 颗粒材料的剪胀模型

    Shear Dilating Model of Granular Materials

  22. 颗粒材料的离散颗粒及间隙水渗流模型与数值模拟

    A model of discrete particles and seepage of interstitial water in granular materials and numerical simulation

  23. 基于非线性接触本构的颗粒材料离散元数值模拟

    Simulation of mechanical behaviors of granular materials by discrete element method based on mesoscale nonlinear contact law

  24. 超细颗粒材料技术的新发展,为解决当前钻井液技术难题提供了一种可能的途径。

    New development of modern nanometer provides a possible solution for the current problem of drilling fluids technology .

  25. 同时使用微观状态张量考察临界状态的应力比,证实了,颗粒材料在临界状态有唯一的应力比。

    At last , the unique of stress ratio at critical state is verified by microscopic state tensors .

  26. 双击式直接电动螺旋压力机是用于颗粒材料及离散材料成形的新型机器。

    A double-strike direct electric drive screw press is a new machine used in particle and dispersed material forming .

  27. 此外,还利用蒽和乙酰丙酮镍、乙酰丙酮钴进行了碳包覆合金纳米颗粒材料的初步研究。

    In addition , anthracene and acetylacetone nickel , acetylacetone cobalt were also tried to synthesize carbon-encapsulated alloy nano-materials .

  28. 高等医学院校实验材料费管理模式探讨高校实验室中纳米颗粒材料的安全管理

    Exploration on the management mode of experimental material expenses in medical college Safety Management of Nanoparticle Materials in University Labs

  29. 本文以重力驱动颗粒材料流经漏斗的动力学特征为研究对象,重点探讨了漏斗流的流率与压力之间的关联,以及流经漏斗后自由下落颗粒束流不稳定性等问题。

    In this paper , we focus on the dynamical characteristics of the gravity-driven granular materials flowing through the hopper .

  30. 与传统的纳米颗粒材料相比,具有可控结构、形貌、孔径的多孔材料展示出了独特的性能。

    In view of their controlled structure , morphology and pore size , porous materials exhibit extraordinary properties compared with traditional nanoparticles .