
  • 网络particle contamination
  1. 液压系统工作介质的颗粒污染与控制

    Study on the particle contamination in hydraulic fluids and the control method

  2. 基于匹配滤波的液压流体颗粒污染度检测

    Fluid power systems particle contamination monitoring based on matched filter

  3. 颗粒污染条件下Si3N4陶瓷球疲劳行为的试验研究

    Study on the Fatigue Behavior of Si_3N_4 Ceramic Ball under the Condition of Debris Contamination

  4. 首先分析了半导体制造中颗粒污染的来源,然后介绍了用C控制图进行颗粒污染控制的方法及其不足,进而提出了用多元回归分析进行颗粒污染控制的方法及实施。

    Particle source is analyses , and then it introduces the application of C control chart , as well as its shortage , at last brings forward the method of using multiple regression analysis to set control limits for the particles .

  5. LPCVD氮化硅炉管生产工艺中颗粒污染的研究低碳低硅中宽冷轧无取向电工钢带生产初探

    LPCVD Nitrides Furnace Process Particle Improvement Preliminary Research on Production Low Carbon Low Silicon Non-oriented Electrical Silicon Steel Mid-wide Strip

  6. 被金属颗粒污染的变压器油的处理及评价

    Treatment of Transformer Oil Polluted by Metal Particles & its Evaluation

  7. 一类大气总悬浮颗粒污染状况的系统聚类分析

    Systematic Cluster Analysis for a Class of Atmospheric TSP Pollution

  8. 液压油固体颗粒污染检测与控制

    Inspecting and Controlling Pollution of Solid Granula in Hydraulic Oil

  9. 光阻法测量油液中颗粒污染度的研究

    Study on oil contamination measurement by light - blockage method

  10. 利用类与类之间的距离定义了评估大气颗粒污染的相对尺度&相对污染率;

    A relative pollution rate of every class was defined .

  11. 半导体制造中颗粒污染的控制方法研究

    Research of the control method for particles during semiconductor manufacturing

  12. 颗粒污染源排放浓度和粒径的在线测量技术

    The measuring technique of mass concentration and particle size in particulate emissions

  13. 飞机液压系统固体颗粒污染分析与控制

    Solid Granule Contamination Analysis and Control for Aircraft Hydraulic Systems

  14. 减少液压设备固体颗粒污染的分析研究

    Analysis on Solid Particle Pollution of Hydraulic Equipment

  15. 根据颗粒污染程度,甲醛添加量为0.05-0.1‰;

    According to the contaminated degree of grains formaldehyde added is between 0.05-0.1 ‰ .

  16. 中国的大气环境具有气体和尘土颗粒污染严重并具有腐蚀性的特殊性,研究连接器触点的大气腐蚀必须同时考虑气体腐蚀和尘土颗粒腐蚀。

    Environment of China has particularity of severe gas pollution and corrosive dust particles .

  17. 室内颗粒污染的源辨识与源解析大气悬浮颗粒物对室内空气品质影响的预测模拟研究

    Source Identification and Apportionment of Indoor Particulate Matter s Modeling the Indoor Particulate Concentrations of Outdoor Origin

  18. 传统的油液固体颗粒污染检测装置不能全面反映污染物特性,无法满足对系统进行在线监测、系统故障早期预报以及故障分析的要求。本文提出基于固体污染物形状特征的计算机视觉检测原理。

    This paper puts forward the detection principle of computer vision based shape characteristic of solid contaminant .

  19. 考察了液压油颗粒污染对装备液压系统的危害,分析了污染产生的原因,提出了装备液压系统颗粒污染控制方案。

    The paper studied the harm of particle in hydraulic fluid to hydraulic system and analyzed the reason of the contamination particles creating .

  20. 烟气和大气中小颗粒污染及颗粒物中多环芳烃污染研究一团细小的颗粒悬浮在空气中。

    Research on the Aerosol in Air & Stack and PAHs Attached on the Aerosol ; a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas .

  21. 提出了利用光阻法来测量油液颗粒污染度的方法,着重介绍了光阻法测量油液污染度的工作原理、测量系统及其工作特点。

    This paper study the method of measuring oil contamination by light-blockage and introduce the work principle , measurement system and work characteristics by light-blockage which measure oil contamination .

  22. 对船舶液压系统液压油固体颗粒污染的种类、产生的途径及其危害进行了阐述,并提出了控制液压油污染的具体方法。

    This paper describes the causes and harms of solid particle pollution for hydraulic oil system , and points out the certain measurement to control the hydraulic oil pollution .

  23. 这个组织同样对从这些源头释放出的颗粒污染水平进行了研究。它们由极小的固体和液体颗粒组成。

    The group also studied particle pollution levels emitted from these sources , which are made up of a mix of tiny solid and liquid particles in the air .

  24. 其次,针对某型航空发动机实际的工作环境,对固体颗粒污染及其他几种污染物对润滑系统产生的影响进行了阐述及分析,并介绍了几种常见的发动机沉积物及相应的处理方法。

    Pairs of solid particles of several pollutants , pollution and other impacts on the lubrication system was described and analyzed . And describes several common engine deposits and the corresponding approach .

  25. 针对飞机液压系统固体颗粒污染,分析了固体颗粒污染物的来源及其危害,进而提出了控制飞机液压系统固体颗粒污染的方法。

    The source and endangerment of solid granule pollutant were analyzed on solid granule contamination of aircraft hydraulic systems . A method was proposed to control solid granule contamination of aircraft hydraulic systems .

  26. 从随机过程中的扩散过程理论出发,并利用接触过程的有关结果,建立了偏微分方程混合问题的固体颗粒污染地层数学模型。

    A mathematical model , which is about a partial differential equation mixture problem , for the contamination of formation due to solid particle invasion , has been put forward by applying stochastic process theory .

  27. 润滑油系统对汽轮发电机正常运转有着极其重要的作用。由于固体颗粒污染、水污染和添加剂氧化等因素的影响,润滑油的性能会逐渐恶化,所以需要及时更换润滑油。

    Lubricate oil system plays an important role during normal operation of the turbine generator , and lubricate oil should be replaced in time because of its performance deteriorated caused by solid grain and water pollution , additive oxidation .

  28. 牡丹江市区大气总悬浮颗粒物污染趋势及预测抚顺市TSP污染来源研究及防治对策

    Air TSP Pollution Trend and Forecast of Mudanjiang City Countermeasures for TSP Pollution in Fushun

  29. 介绍了当前降低柴油机排气中NOx、SOx和颗粒排放污染的技术措施。

    It describes some of the prevailing technical measures to reduce NOx , SOx and particles contained in exhaust gases .

  30. 分析了ITO及CF玻璃基板表面污染的主要类型为有机物污渍和灰尘颗粒,污染主要来源于产品制作、包装、转运过程。

    The varieties of stain caused by greasy filth and the particle , on the ITO & CF substrate surface were analyzed .