
  • 网络particle swarm;granular group
  1. 基于已建立的预测模型,分别采用遗传算法和颗粒群算法进行了锅炉高燃烧效率和低NOx排放量的单目标以及多目标燃烧优化。

    Based on the established prediction model , the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm were respectively used for the higher boiler combustion efficiency and lower NOx emission combustion optimization with single and multi-objective .

  2. 将离散单元法(DEM)拓展到三维流固两相流的数值模拟中,提出了颗粒群轨道柔性模型。

    Let the discrete element method ( DEM ) be developed into the numerical simulation of 3D fluid-solid two-phased flows , the trajectory flexible model of particle group has been put forward .

  3. 在非交错网格体系下,气相用SIMPLE法求解,液相采用颗粒群轨道模型,并用PSIC算法对其进行数值求解。

    The gas phase is solved with SIMPLE algorithm in non-staggered grid system , and the liquid phase is solved with PSIC algorithm by adopting the particle trajectory model . The calculation results of the flowfield under four different conditions are reasonable .

  4. 综合逆压突扩流动和浮力各向异性的流场特征,运用颗粒群理论,引入Shih的Reynolds应力通用本构关系建立了可实现性应力代数模型。

    Referring to the specificities of the flow field with anisotropic property , the group theory of particles is used and the general constitutive equation of Reynolds stress proposed by Shih is introduced to build a realizable algebraic stress model .

  5. 本文将不同颗粒群分布的高钙灰、水泥按5:5比例混合,制成高钙灰水泥,测其3d、28d胶砂抗折、抗压强度。

    The Portland cement and high calcium fly ash samples ( shortened form P.C. and HCFA ) which have different particle size distributions were mixed in a proportion of 50:50 % . The mortar strength of HCFA cement in 3 and 28 days were tested .

  6. 运用灰色关联分析原理,考察各粉煤灰水泥试样的颗粒群分布与Dinger-Funk最紧密堆积颗粒群分布的相关性。

    The relationships between particle size distribution and Dinger-Funk bulk density were investigated by grey connection analysis method .

  7. 本文利用DDA方法计算了服从一定粒径分布的随机取向的烟颗粒群和粉尘颗粒的光散射Muller矩阵,比较了两者光散射矩阵元素随散射角分布的差异。

    Using the discrete-dipole approximation method , the scattering Muller matrices were computed for the randomly oriented smoke particles with a certain size distribution , as well as the dust particle . Both normalized Muller matrix elements were compared and analyzed .

  8. 以激光粒度分析方法对矿渣微粉试样进行了颗粒群分布测试,并以RRSB线性回归进行拟合。

    The distribution of powder clusters of finely ground slag was measured by means of laser granulometer and was modeled through RRSB linear regression .

  9. 方法通过比较传统粉体最紧密堆积经典理论中的最大密度理想集配曲线,根据分形理论,推导粉体颗粒群密集效应模型,并与传统的Andreasen方程最紧密堆积模型比较。

    It compares the highest density perfect distribution curves of the conventional powder tightest accumulation classical theory based on the fractal geometry denseness effect model of the cement multiplex material 's powder group .

  10. Na2CO3和Na2SO4杂质的存在,降低了铝酸钠溶液的分解率,使分解析出氢氧化铝的粒度粗化,析出氢氧化铝晶体颗粒群的分维数随溶液中碳酸钠和硫酸钠杂质浓度的增加而不断增大。

    Both sodium carbonate and sodium sulfate in sodium aluminate solution could reduce the precipitation ratio and make the size of aluminum hydroxide precipitation coarser . The fractal dimension of PSD went up with the increase of the concentration of sodium carbonate or sodium sulfate .

  11. 用实验手段研究了以空气为介质的强驻波声场(声压级大于150dB)对其中微小颗粒群(颗粒直径小于30μm)的作用。

    In this article , experiments on tiny particles ( whose diameter is less than 30 μ m ) effected by intense wave field ( whose sound pressure level is larger than 150 dB ) are developed .

  12. 用激光粒度分析仪测定了球磨和立式磨生产的矿渣微粉的颗粒群分布,结果表明,两种产品均符合RRB分布,立式磨矿渣微粉粒度分布范围较窄。

    The distribution of the granule cluster of tiny slag powder produced by ball milling and vertical milling is determined by laser granularity analyzer . The result indicates that both the two products accord with RRB distribution , but the vertical style shows a narrower granularity distribution .

  13. 运用气固两相的颗粒群动力学模型,对Weidner理论进行了改进,建立了悬浮稀疏气力输送系统中五种不同空间布置方式的弯管内颗粒群运动微分方程。

    By using the kinetic model of mass of particles in gas solid two phase flows , the authors improved the Weidner ′ s theory , established the movement differential equations for mass of particles in five kinds of elbows in suspended dilute pneumatic conveying system .

  14. 分布的参数对颗粒群衍射谱的影响

    Influence of the distribution parameters of particles on its diffraction pattern

  15. 等径球颗粒群流动特征实验研究

    Experimental study on flow characteristics of a stream of isodiametric sphere

  16. 土壤粘附系统中粘土颗粒群的粘附特性

    Adhesive behavior of soil particle aggregates in the soil adhesion system

  17. 低雷诺数下管状非球形颗粒群的阻力系数

    Drag Coefficient of Non spherical Fluidized Particles at Low Reynolds Numbers

  18. 筒式筛网振动筛颗粒群运移模型

    HOMOMORPH-GROUP Solid caboodle conveyance model of shale shaker with roller screen

  19. 滑石超细粉末颗粒群特性的定量体视学分析与测量

    Research on the Stereology Analysis for the superfine powder of Talcum

  20. 颗粒群的分散压与流膜选矿机理

    Dispersion pressure of particle group and mechanism for film concentration

  21. 水泥基粉体颗粒群分形几何密集效应模型

    The Model of the Cementing Matrix Powder Group Fractal Geometry Denseness Effect

  22. 多孔介质粘土颗粒群的粒径分布分形维

    Fractal Dimension of Size Distribution of Particle Group in Porous Medium Clay

  23. 光散射计数法颗粒群质量测量的数学模型

    A Mathematics Model for Aerosol Mass Measurement Using Light Scattering Counting Method

  24. 高钙灰&水泥颗粒群匹配与强度关系研究

    Relations Study on Particles Gradation and Strength for High-calcium Fly-ash

  25. 矿渣微粉颗粒群几何特征的图像分析

    The Image Analysis of the Geometric Characteristic Parameters of Slag Particle Group

  26. 垂直气固上行流动系统中颗粒群集聚的最大空隙率

    Maximum voidage for particle aggregation in vertical gas - solid upflow system

  27. 椭圆截面非球形颗粒群的多重光散射

    Multiple light scattering of non-spherical particles with elliptical cross section

  28. 矿渣是颗粒状粉体,用圆度粒度、curvelength粒度和curvewidth粒度分布来描述矿渣微粉颗粒群的形状特征具有较好的规律性。

    The shape factors distribution of slag appears to have good regularities .

  29. 液-固流化床中颗粒群的沉降特性

    The Settling of Non Cohesive Particles in Liquid Fluidized Bed

  30. 用纹影仪拍摄了激波与颗粒群相互干涉的照片。

    The shock interaction with the particles is visualized using the schlieren photography .