
  • 网络Lower Critical Temperature
  1. 用电加热方法实验研究了超临界压力下临界温度区液氧的传热性能,验证了国内常用的传热准则方程式计算液氧换热的适用性。

    Heat transfer performance of liquid oxygen under conditions of critical temperature and supercritical pressure has been studied experimentally by means of electrical heating .

  2. 给出了单层索网玻璃幕墙临界温度的取值方法,计算得到了适用于单层索网玻璃幕墙结构不同跨度、网格尺寸、钢索直径下的临界温度计算表。

    The critical temperatures determining principles for monolayer cable net of glass facades have been proposed . The critical temprature tables are obtained applicable to different spans , grid dimentions and cable diameters of monolayer cable net .

  3. 在12.5h短日下,不育临界温度低于24℃。

    Its critical sterility inducing temperature ( CSIT ) is lower than 24 ℃ under 12.5 h of short day length .

  4. 火灾高温下钢构件临界温度的确定方法

    The methods of determining the critical temperature of steel structures on high temperature

  5. 下临界共溶温度体系制备聚砜中空纤维超滤膜的研究

    Investigation of Preparation of Polysulfone Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membranes with Lower Critical Solution Temperature Systems

  6. 边界润滑条件下润滑油临界温度的估算

    Evaluation of Transition Temperatures In Boundary Lubrication

  7. TG为离开滴下带的临界煤气温度,它与高炉热状态有关并影响着高炉内煤气的压差;

    TG is the critical temperature of the gas leaving the active coke zone .

  8. 非等温条件下雷管热爆炸临界温度数值计算

    Numerical Calculation for Critical Temperature of Thermal Explosion in Detonators Under Nonisothermal Conditions

  9. 本文讨论了丝网型回热器能在纯行波状态下起振的临界温度梯度与结构参数及运行参数的关系。

    This paper analyses the critical temperature gradient of a regenerator under a simplifying assumption for different structure and operating parameters .

  10. 在常温下或介质的临界温度附近或工业氨合成温度范围内,在各自相应的总压和组成条件下,使介质处于超临界状态,对超临界氨合成才是有利的。

    It was good for supercritical ammonia synthesis that medium reached supercritical state under the corresponding total pressure and composition , and at a temperature near the normal temperature or near the critical temperature of medium or in the range of temperature of commercial ammonia synthesis .

  11. 两体系的浊点压力范围分别为(8.82-15.59)MPa和(13.1-18.73)MPa,一定质量比下浊点压力随温度的升高而升高呈现下临界会溶温度(LCST)行为。

    Both polymers studied in this work exhibited a lower critical solution temperature ( LCST ) phase behavior in CO2 . At a fixed mass ratio , the cloud point pressure ( density ) increased with temperature increasing .