
  • 网络you are the next;urban legend;Crazy Eights
  1. 把他放下然后离开,要不然下一个就是你。

    Put the faggot down and get out or you 'll be next .

  2. 去年8月,我父亲的好友,也是他抗争暴权的同盟扎西德·汗在去祈祷的路上脸部中枪。我知道所有人都在劝我父亲:“小心点,否则下一个就是你了!”

    His close friend and fellow campaigner Zahid Khan had been shot in the face in August on his way to prayers and I knew everyone was telling my father , ' Take care , you 'll be next . "

  3. 如果你有创作型的爱好,比如画画或写作,你希望你的下一个作品就是你的成名作。

    If you have a creative hobby , like painting or writing , you want the next piece to be a masterpiece .

  4. 有人说,你再张嘴,下一个失踪者就是你!

    Someone said , if you open your mouth again , the next one to disappear will be you !

  5. 你在这儿,你在那儿,你下一个就是她,你俩在那儿。现在你们就知道在这儿站着,都滚。

    You will stand around and look at me , you here , you there , you next to her , you two there Now you know where to stand.And now go ! '

  6. 你的下一个职业可能就是从你的联系网开始的。

    Your next career step might arise from your contact network .

  7. 下一个要提拔的就是你了。

    You are next in line for promotion .

  8. 一旦你决定哪种型号对你比较好,下一个要考虑的就是你是去商店买还是在网上订购。

    Once you 've decided on which iPad options are important to you , the next decision will be whether to go to a store or order online .

  9. 下一个事实就是,如果你买下这个掌上电脑或者台式机--那么甚至在目前的无线世界中,你也不可能生活在没有线路的世界中。

    And the same thing is true of , if you buy this laptop or you buy this computer and even in these wireless eras , you don 't get to live in the world without cords .