
  1. 下课铃声响了,用着它自己的语言。

    The bell was ringing in a language all its own .

  2. 陈洪艳已经设置了14个闹钟作为王浩的上下课铃声。

    Chen has set 14 alarm clocks as Wang 's school bells .

  3. 下课铃声救了我们。

    We were saved by the bell .

  4. 我想回答说儒家理论也可以论证有理由帮助受压迫的外国人,但这时下课铃声响起。

    I wanted to reply that Confucian theories can also justify intervention to help oppressed foreigners , but the bell rang .

  5. 下课铃声响起的时候,学生们冲出教室,奔向食堂。

    When there goes the bell , the students go out of the classroom , and rushed to the dining room .

  6. 每当下课铃声要响起时,大部分学生已经合上了书本,放下了作业,交头接耳并随时准备冲出教室。

    Just before the bell rings , most students close their books , put away papers , whisper to friends and get ready to rush out .

  7. 下课铃声响起,维克多避开了班里所有其他孩子的目光,像子弹一样冲出了教室,但不得不再次回到教室去取落在那里的数学书。

    The bell sounded and Victor shot out of the room , avoiding the stares of the other kids , but had to return for his math book .

  8. 通常是在下课铃声响了之后,与教学大纲的要求无关的地方,洞察力的传授才开始,学生的效仿才形成。

    It 's often during incidental conversations held after the bell rings and away from the demands of the syllabus that the transfer of insight begins and a student 's emulation grows .

  9. 下课的铃声响了。

    The bell went for the end of the lesson .

  10. 当下课的铃声一响我们就会打闹起来,

    When the class is ringing a ring we would roughhouse together .

  11. 下课的铃声响过,我看着一个个陌生的同学,看着四周陌生的建筑,我不禁害怕起来。

    Finishes class the bell sound , I have looked each one strange schoolmate , looks all around the strange construction , I am unable to restrain to be afraid .