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xià fánɡ
  • servant quarters
  • servant's room
下房 [xià fáng]
  • [servant's room] 仆人住的屋子

  1. 目的:小结微刨非体外循环下房间隔缺损(ASD)封堵术的临床应用经验。

    Objective : To review the experience of atrial septal defect ( ASD ) closure with occluder by minimally invasive and non-extracorporeal circulation ways .

  2. 非对称信息下房地产市场博弈问题研究

    On the Game Problem in the Real Estate Market under Asymmetric Information

  3. 四维标测指导下房颤机制研究和导管消融治疗

    A Study on Atrial Fibrillation Mechanism and Catheter Ablation in Four-dimensional Mapping

  4. 二维不确定性下房地产开发的实物期权分析

    Real Options Analysis of the Real Estate Development Under the Planar Uncertainty

  5. 循环经济下房地产业绿色营销现状及对策研究

    Research on Green Marketing of Real Estate Industry under the Circulation Economic

  6. 当前形势下房地产企业融资方式浅析

    Analysis of financing mode of real estate enterprises under the current situation

  7. 宏观调控下房地产价格拐点会出现吗

    Does Turning Point of Real Estate Price Emerge with Macro-Control

  8. 动态环境下房地产企业战略柔性研究

    The Research on Strategic Flexibility of Real Estate Enterprises in Dynamic Environment

  9. 金融危机环境下房地产企业内部控制研究

    Research on internal control of real estate enterprises under financial crisis environment

  10. 宏观调控下房地产业的融资对策研究

    Financing Countermeasure of real estate industry under the macro-control

  11. 当然我要提一下房中的大象…

    And of course I have to mention the elephant in the room ...

  12. 新形势下房地产开发企业发展战略转换与对策研究

    Study on Strategy Conversion and Countermeasures Related to Real Estate Enterprises under New Situation

  13. 浅低温心脏跳动下房、室间隔缺损修补术56例临床分析

    Surgical treatment of ventricular and atrial septal defects in beating heart and mild hypothermia

  14. 从紧货币政策背景下房地产业发展态势研究

    Study on Developments of Real Estate Industry under the Tight Monetary Policy in China

  15. 金融危机下房地产企业融资结构及发展研究

    Study on the Structure and Its Development of Real Estate Financing under the Finance Crisis

  16. 不确定条件下房地产企业最优投资规模研究

    Research of the Optimal Scale of Investment in Real Estate under the Conditions of Uncertainty

  17. 宏观调控下房地产项目成本企画实施研究

    The Study on Target Costing Utilization in Real Estate Item under Macroeconomic Regulation and Control

  18. 青光眼白内障联合术后超声生物显微镜下房角结构的观察

    An observation of anterior chamber angle structure after combined glaucoma and cataract surgery by ultrasound biomicroscopy

  19. 在从理论上探讨了金融支持过度与房地产泡沫关系之后,金融支持过度背景下房地产泡沫形成的机理是什么?这又是一个值得而且必须探讨的问题。

    What is the real estate bubble forming mechanism in the background of excess of financial sustainment ?

  20. 双重道德风险下房地产中介佣金制度选择研究

    A Study on the Selection of Commission System of the Real Estate Brokerage under Double Moral Hazard

  21. 头低位卧床模拟失重状态下房室平面运动的定量组织速度成像

    Atrioventricular plane movements under head down tilt position of simulated weightlessness : an analysis by quantitative tissue velocity imaging

  22. 结论穿刺术是处理复合小梁切除术后包裹性囊状滤泡及结膜下房水积存导致的溢泪症的安全、有效的方法。

    Conclusion Paracentisis is an effective and safe method of management of encapsulated filtering bleb and lacrimation after trabeculectomy .

  23. 在实际中,房地产似乎是最常见的抵押品,在有些情况下房地产还是银行能够接受的唯一抵押品。

    In practice , real estate assets appear to be the most common-in some cases , the only-kind of collateral accepted .

  24. 使本文能对目前情况下房地产项目市场策划营销有一定的实际意义和参考价值。

    This article will make the current situation of marketing real estate projects in marketing a certain practical significance and reference value .

  25. 扫视了一下房内的华丽装饰布置,我留意到一个漂亮的大衣橱,由巨型黎巴嫩雪松木制成,手工雕花精致优雅,还配上了玻璃门。

    Scanning the room 's magnificent furnishings I noticed a beautiful armoire , elegantly hand carved from giant Lebanese cedar with glass doors .

  26. 从而给在金融危机状况下房地产企业的营销理念注入了新的内容。

    Thus , a great many new contents will be injected into the marketing of the real estate industries under the financial crisis .

  27. 事情是这样的,我们到了爱尔兰以后学校的宿舍还没开放,我们得在外面住几天,所以叫师姐帮我们订一下房。

    So we have to live outside campus for several days . Therefore , we asked the alumna to help us book a room .

  28. 先说院子吧,院中一共才有六间房,夏先生住三间,厨房占一间,其余的两间作为下房。

    The house was small with only six rooms of which Mr. Xia occupied three , the kitchen one and the servants the other two .

  29. 我轻手轻脚地向前走去,想从花朵的上方窥探一下房里的情况,一眼便见到乔和毕蒂正手臂挽着手臂地站在面前。

    I went softly towards it , meaning to peep over the flowers , when Joe and Biddy stood before me , arm in arm .

  30. 过道两旁各有一间客厅,约略十六英尺见方,客厅向里是下房和楼梯。

    On each side of the entrance was a sitting room , about sixteen feet square ; and beyond them were the offices and the stairs .